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Hi all,
Well, we have moved in to our lovely new townhouse in Vizcaronda, Duquesa.
We picked up the keys on Monday, Wednesday Union Jack moved our furniture from our apartment to the house, Imperial delivered the extra furniture we had ordered and as we started bringing the furniture into the house, Brittany Ferries rang and confirmed that they had now scheduled for Plymouth to Santander in November and December and confirmed our advanced booking for 30th November!
Then on Thursday, Union Jack delivered the first load from the UK to our house here in Spain, and Telefonica installed our Telephone and Internet (wow - is the internet fast or what!)
Just have to wait for Kings Klub in Monte Duquesa to come and put the twin feeds in for Sky+ from our communal system, that should be on Monday.
Have been busy changing locks, fitting lights (outside and in), bath screens, testing all the fitted appliances - and of course relaxing in the sun (although we did have some rain on Thursday).
So, everything is finaly falling into place for our move to Spain, have already purchased the Left Hand Drive car in the UK, have got the Pet Passport sorted out for our dog, and have got the ferry crossing booked from Plymouth to Santander on the 30th November.
All we have to do now is book Union Jack to move the remaining load from UK to Spain, book the Hotel around Madrid as will be driving down through Spain in two stages and last but not least ..... FIND JOBS! .... Actally that MUST be 1st on the next list of things to do!
Finally, I must thank Justin for EOS, and indeed everyone on EOS that have helped us, as you have all helped us achieve our dream. This message was last edited by TechNoApe on 9/21/2008.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Congratulations - it's a wonderful feeling isn't it?
You really can't get a job until you are here permanently so there is no point in getting too worried about that side of things. You'll find that you are very busy for the first few months and when you know the area you will have a better idea of what is available jobwise.
I hope the rest of your arrangements go well for you.
_______________________ Claire
Congratulations and good luck with the job irene
Hope the rest of the move goes as well.
Congratulations - sounds fantastic & extremely organised! Does it work out more expensive buying a left hand drive here? Great idea though as I would hate to drive a right hand drive through Spain.
Jammy git
But seriously folks, best of luck.
If you're going through hell keep on going, you might get out before the devil even knows you're there.
Well done you!!
How on earth did you get a Santander ferry in November? I've been stumped through from October to December.
We'll have to take the Roscoff ferry and drive down through France too.
Hope you settle quickly and all goes well.
Conratulations, I hope everything goes well for you and you enjoy your new life as much as we are enjoying ours, although it's not without it's challenges at times.
Jacqui our adventure from deciding to move to Spain to being here and moving back to the UK.
 Well done, nice to hear some good news, hope everything goes well for you. Hope your dog will enjoy his new life and he understand's the Spanish dog's  Pat
Thanks to one and all for all your kind thoughts and wishes.
Sharon - No! It is MUCH cheaper to purchase a LHD car in the UK and I seem to remember posting in the Driving in Spain section about the company I purchased our car from. In any case I wll PM you with their details.
Laury - You can book via Brittany Ferries for the crossing from Plymouth to Santander for November and December RIGHT NOW! Be quick as they will fill very, very fast.
This message was last edited by TechNoApe on 9/23/2008.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
Well done, I know how you feel, I am getting things sorted to move beginning of November, Things getting picked up 3rd week of October. Having a few hairy moments when i start to panic, then i just look at the kids and see how excited they are with it all and know i am doing the right thing for them.
Decorated LADY
Many congrats and good luck, Finding the job is the hard part, enjoying your new life is the easy part, hope everything goes well for you, and dont forget us for anything metal.
best of luck.
_______________________ Please have a look at
for anything metal.
Nope. Still not available to Santander with a dog. We will have to do Roscoff and drive through France as well as Spain.
I hope you enjoy your new place.
End of October Conrad.
No time .. I didn't realise the difference between selling your house and letting it.
Things happen so fast.,
Sorry for the hijack.
I managed to get the tenants to agree a later date and managed the Santander ferry for 9th November.
lol @ Laury
S'Okay bud!
None of us can ever keep a single topic 'on topic' and that's what I love about this forum.
Fantastic news about your ferry crossing, as I said, you just have to keep plugging away!
We are back in the UK as of today, however we will be leaving the UK and moving permanetly on the 30th November, on the same crossing as yours, so maybe we can compare notes.
Me, the Mrs and Rosie too! But we'll never, ever forget our Tyler!
We support AAA Abandoned Animals Marbella - Do you?
You can't have a happy thread without More adding to it, can you ?
(Hope Tyler will now post more on his blog ... been waiting ages to hear more from him, Techno )
Hope you'll be very happy in your new life.