The Comments |
 Hi i have received phone calls from the above and also received email looks to good to be true.
i am taking legal advice on this, will keep upto date. i had a Timeshare at the Palms on the Costa Del Sur but sold it back to them at big loss.
it seems very fishy why we should have to pay £175 up front i will tell them to contact my Solisitor with details, soon find out whether a scam or not.
 Hi solisitors avice do not touch with bargpole advice play for time.
Just received further phone call from Julie saying if not regestered by Sunday will take off the register.
anybody else had further communuication?
Spoke with AMR last night. My questions included :
who are the trustees you refer to, response - I can't tell you
why do I have to goto Tenerife to claim, response - its Spanish law
I have until the end of 2009 to claim, response - no, you must say in the next week otherwise the money will be returned to United Paradise !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've asked for the authority as to how AMR were asked to do this work, details of AMR etc, but only response is that they are trying to give us money which if we don't take will be returned to United Paradise.
They email I received is the same as posted by Teddy1 (word for word) except it comes from Carly.
I'll wait for char52 response, it will be interesting to see what reception they get.
Char52 have you been told where you will be staying at Golf del sur?
I too have been contacted by AMR in Barcelona and the same email as TEDDY1.
It does seem tempting and am expecting a "final chance" call back tomorrow. Glad I looked for a web site for AMR and found you guys having similar thoughts/problems.
Probably tell AMR not proceeding as it does seem a bit unlikely that if the resort is in administration thye would pay out loyalty bonuses rather thant their staff and other creditors first. You would think that in this day and age they could simply post the paperwork to us and give us a proper chance to look through what the are apparently offering rather than going to Tenerife (nice as it is).
Gooduck to those who take up the offer and look forward to reading how you get on.
I have also received a call from Dave at Asset Management Recoveries who has offered me and my family a weeks free accomodation at the Royal Tenerife Country Club on the Golf del Sur in Tenerife. In order to qualify for this free week his company requires £175.00 to cover the Loyalty Bonus Scheme legal administration and registration fees.
Having read the conversations above I also have my reservations about the whole set up.
I purchased a week at The Palms Golf and Country Club in August 1995 and joined The Loyalty Bonus Scheme in July 98. I paid £139.00 annually for five years then sent in a claim form for the proceeds of £5,000.00 to The Trustees Office in Presbury, Cheltenham. The adminstration of the Loyalty Bonus Scheme was then transfered to United Paradise Group in Tenerife in November 2000. We were invited over to Tenerife to sort out the proceeds and met with the Manager at the Chayofa Country Club. He made me an offer to reinburse me the money I had put in as he believed at that time that there would be no funds available to reimburse the members of the scheme. He made me an offer of 1240 Euro and suggested leaving these monies as a credit to cover future maintenance charges on The Palms Golf and Country Club. The Palms Golf and Country Club units have all now been sold privately (so we have been told) and I have not paid maintenance since 2005 leaving a credit with United Paradise. I am still struggling to obtain these monies. However, they did offer me a weeks free accomodation valid till the end of 2008 but this does not equate to what they owe me. I am still liasing with them and have NOT accepted there kind offer.
PLEASE TREAD CAREFULLY, this industry is about making money and offering dreams to individual's which they cannot meet.
i,ve been contacted earlier today by telephone and confirmed by e mail with same offer.
when making my original purchase of week at Chayofa Country Club in year 2000 made initial payment £139
to enlist in loyalty bonus scheme,but then never asked for further payment in subsequent year.
subsequently corresponded at length with united paradise before accepting scheme closed and wrote off my £139 payment
my belief is that if it sounds to good to be true,ITS NOT,can not believe I will recieve £5000 for investment of £139.
explanation that subsequent payment was collected in maintainance fees is un-realistic when this resort recently have been
requesting additional payments to cover descrepancies.
I am expecting a follow up call from AMR on Tuesday this week and will use some of the points from this forum for questions.
feel this is a scam,but if anyone does take up the offer and can prove otherwise would be delighted to be proved wrong
Hi, I also was contacted by AMR with the same offer, and was hopeful to get some of our money back but as usual it sounded to good to be true. After reading the comments on this site I e-mailed United Paradise and received a phone call from Ceri Jones at Chayofa who said that it was a scam and under no circumstances to pay any money. She also said that the loyality bonus was still at a stand still. Apparently they have lawyers looking into this scam and would be interested in any other information anyone might have. Her address is I have also e-mailed Timeshare consumer council for advice but as yet have not received a reply. I'll let you know if I get anything back from them.
Hi, I received the same phone call from AMR last week and asked and received the same questions and answers. I'm sad enough to still have the original paperwork and loyalty bonus certificate but also very sceptical and untrusting with any cold caller offering money, 'too good to be true offers' generally are exactly that.
I've not been convinced by their answers or lack of info regarding themselves and I've e-mailed OTE for any info but have heard nothing yet.
I'm expecting a call back from AMR this afternoon but will probably not bother to hang around to speak to them and will await further info and news from Char52
Nice to know from Ceri at Chayofa that the Loyalty Bonus is at a standstill. If United Paradise paid the Loyalty Bonus money in the first place then everybody will have been paid out and there would be no need to pay anyone else to help them to claim it.
Nice to know from Ceri at Chayofa that the Loyalty Bonus is at a standstill. If United Paradise paid the Loyalty Bonus money in the first place then everybody will have been paid out and there would be no need to pay anyone else to help them to claim it.
How dare ceri at Chayofa tell anybody this is a scam, they are the very people who scammed us over the loyalty bonus in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I too have received a phone call from AMR Barcelona, saying exactly the same thing, but my timeshare is in Tenerife and run by Club La Costa.
The reason I have bounced into this forum is that I was looking for information on what to me looks like a scam.
Reading the posts I am now even more sure that it is a scam, lets face it it has all the hallmarks of a scam.
Sketchy contact details, with a "hotmail" style email address,
No traceable company,
No website,
Got to pay out money up front to get the money you are supposedly entitled to,
Offer looks too good to be true (I am supposed to have paid £139 a year for the last 12 years and can expect a return of between £5K and £12K on an investment of £1668 spread over 12 years, that really is too good to be true!)
I will watch with interest to see what Char52 says on return, but I suspect that it will either be, oh sorry no you aren't actually entitled to anything but while you are here we have this marvellous timeshare offer on, or your entitlement can be placed against the cost of this timeshare the price of which has been inflated by the amount of your entitlement.
Sorry to sound cynical Char52, but when times are hard the scammers get even more imaginative in their ways to part you from your cash.
Hi there
I don't think you're having a blond moment. I had a timeshare at The Palms for 5 years or so. I gave it up when the place went bust and bought up by another bunch who tried to get extra cash out of me plus the annual fee . I refused having had pretty good use out of the place and buying it fairly cheaply as a resale. Today (Wednesday 8th October) I was contacted by "Anne" from Asset Management recovery allegedly based in Barcelona. Same deal she says I'm due about £5k but have to go to the Notary in Tenerife, with a weeks free accomadation thrown in. She wants £175 up front on a credit card. I told her that no offence but it had the whiff of another scam about it, so I would do some research on the company, which I'm currently looking at, She told me she would email details and check by close of play today that I had got them.
I'll continue looking but I'm pretty sure it's a scam. Probably trying to get us out to flog more timeshare!!! my email is where the mail is hot with mossfoley2004 at the front of it. Apologies for the clumsy link, but the site won't let me send my email address because it's my first posting. But I certainly wouldn't hand over the £175 before you're convinced. If this Anne person does get back in touch, I'm going to ask for the details of the Notary in Tenerife, and if neccessary I'll ring them directly to see if it's genuine.
Thanks for posting your query, it's made me even more suspicious
Moss Here again. Not found out too much but there is an organisatin based in the UK called the Timeshare Council and it has a Timeshare Blacklist, and yes, you've guessed it Asset Management Recovery Spain are on it
I received a further call from Carly last night asking if I had received her email with the answers to my questions.
I told her that I was not assured the company was genuine as the answers all avoided names of trustees as requested.
I asked again for company details, address, registration and if AMR had been appointed by the courts it should be a matter of record, one they could provide.
She had to speak with her supervisor, returning to say they had given me the answers - they don't know any names, they were only an admin team.
I remarked that the email address spainmail com is noted on fraud watch sites as frequently used by scammers trying to pass themselves as genuine companies.
The reply was that if AMR was trying to scam me surely they would be asking for larger sums of money. I suggested that by asking lots of people for small amounts was potentially the method possibly being used.
I was then told I would be sent a disclaimer letter, my response was I would'nt sign any disclaimer - to be told that if they send the disclaimer they I lose any claim!
I then said that there was no legal reason for me to return to Tenerife and asked they send the cheque direct to my home address as they obviously had all my details.
She told me she was getting bored and I was wasting her time - then she hung up.
Maybe I'm wrong, perhaps I should give my credit card details to someone called Carly who rings up out of the blue, someone who refuse's to provided any details of their companies legal status or company information that could be used to establish them as a credible company.
Time for a risk assessment, should'nt take more than a second to decide.
The Consumer Centre in Spain have advised that I should ignore this company and if they continue to call consider it as harrasment which should be reported to the police.
Asset recovery,I have recieved the same call as you less fortunate timeshare owners,I only went for a holiday to the palms a couple of times and still they tell me I have an opportunity!!please dont waste anymore money ,this can only be a scam,I did not own a timeshare--did not pay a loyalty bonus--not owed anything and will certainly not be paying£175 ' admin' to recover something I have never lost.
Asset recovery,I have recieved the same call as you less fortunate timeshare owners,I only went for a holiday to the palms a couple of times and still they tell me I have an opportunity!!please dont waste anymore money ,this can only be a scam,I did not own a timeshare--did not pay a loyalty bonus--not owed anything and will certainly not be paying£175 ' admin' to recover something I have never lost.
Has anyone anymore information about this?
Certainly when times get hard the scammers head up a notch, a simple scenario which holds good 99% of the time is
if it looks like **** and smells like **** it generally is ****!
Personally I would call it a day and cut my losses, good luck to all caught up within this.
Nobody plans to fail, many fail to plan, sadly the result is the same.
Hi All, below is the reply I received from the enforcement team of OTE (Organisation of Timeshare in Europe)
As regards "Asset Management Recoveries" (AMR) I can inform you initially the following:
1) AMR is not listed at the Spanish Companies House, although it is allegedly based in Barcelona.
2) AMR seems not to provide to its potential clients with any business address in Barcelona and uses cold calls and emails from @hotmail and @ (another email address I can't add to this forum) (anybody could open an account with these two e-mail providers) to deal with the people they contact. Only provides a phone number: + 34 933 905 471. It is a phone number from Barcelona, but it might be redirected to somewhere else, and we are investigating this bit.
3) We are not aware of any kind of class action litigation carried to compensate the victims of such "Loyalty Bonus Scheme" that many people seems to have signed, when they purchased their timeshare with United Paradise Group, at Chayofa Country Club or The Palms, in Tenerife years ago.
4) Who are these people based in Tenerife who would refund the money (several thousands GBP per victim) of this failed bonus scheme? No contact details provided.
5) Our sources tell us that they are requesting 175 GBP admin / legal fees to claim the refunds, and inviting the victims to travel to Tenerife, and stay a week in a resort, to help to complete the transaction.
In conclusion, this is highly likely to be a scam run from Tenerife, by people who might have sold you initially such "loyalty bonus scheme", or the list of such members, have been sold to third parties, trying now to run this highly likely bogus operation. As regards the people asked to travel to Tenerife, they should expect that AMR will try to sell them a bogus product - i.e. holiday club membership with a cash back programme – or a bogus a resale offer for their timeshare weeks / points, etc.
We are particularly keen on getting hold of any additional information related to AMR that might help us to track down the people running this scam - i.e. phone, fax & mobile numbers, bank accounts, etc.
Kind regards
Alberto García
Enforcement Project
I decided to give AMR a wide berth!!