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Long story, which I won't bore you all with.
Basically, we had timeshare in Tenerife, but lost it when the units were sold off privately as the resort was unable to retain RCI status due to lack of funds.
(A big scam I think with loads of losers).
Today, the above company has contacted me saying I have a refund due on the timeshare loss and a company in Tenerife is dealing with the refunds, which have been gained after siezing assets of the resort owners.
I was told the refunds relate to a "Loyalty Bonus Scheme" we were in, for which we paid £139 annually.
I don't remember being in a Loyalty Bonus Scheme!
But, we did pay annual maintenance, so maybe part of it was for the Loyalty Scheme? Who knows?
I am told I have to fly to Tenerife to be given my refund which could be from 5 - 12K GB pounds.
I will have to pay £175 via credit card, before I travel, to cover admin charges regarding the refund.
They will give me 5 nights free accomodation in a 4* resort for up to 4 people, with no timeshare presentation to take!!!
Yeah right!
Am I being blonde here, is this another timeshare scam?
Has anybody got knowledge of this refund business or the companie invovled?
It would be great if I really do get a 5-12K refund, we could have an EOS party on me!!
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Hi Fibby! And a belated Happy Birthday!! Hope you had a good one!
Fibby, this sounds like an absolute scam to me, personally. If you were due any sort of refund, why do they not just ask for your lawyers' details and get in contact and transfer the funds?
The fact that you have to fly to Tenerife and pay 175 pounds by credit card beforehand for "admin" fees just smacks of rip-off!! Respond to them and ask them to contact your lawyers with details and see what happens then!! If this was for real, in my humble opinion, there would be no need for you to fly to Tenerife and to pay any sum whatsoever!
In my view, a con.
Don't know what anybody else thinks though?
Hi Pitby!
Thanks for the happy birthday!
I think it's a scam too, didn't think of the Lawyer bit, so thanks for that.
It's so tempting though when you think of the "refund"!
I could just do with that right now.
Any other opinions/knowledge of this, gratefully received............
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Fibby do not believe them, I think it is a scam I know we have been ripped of by timeshare merchants, we still have our two weeks in Gran Canaria, I get so many phone calls asking if I want to sell. You will get there and they will try to sell you more timeshare. But give RCI a ring and ask them if they have heard of them. Please do not fall for it. Pat
Hi Fibby, when they ring you again ask them what the Loyalty Bonus Scheme is that you were in, it certainly would not have been in the maintenance fees, which is just that for looking after apartments and area. So ask them how you paid for that. If you google OFT they will tell you not to part with any money up front. Hope this helps, perhaps they thought they were giving you a birthday present, which would have been nice if true. Hope you had a good day. Pat This message was last edited by Pat and Roy on 9/29/2008.
I have also been contacted by this company and am very reluctant to even consider what they suggest having had just about enough of the scams etc involved in timeshare. However . . . my reluctance is tempered by my desire to recover any costs so if anyone knows of this company or 'deal' they are offering please let us know. I cannot believe that if we are actually going to get any money back we need to go personally to collect it. I reckon the whole thing is yet another scam to get money off you - but I am also a bit greedy (if that's the correct word) so don't want to ditch it just yet . ..
I have recieved a call on this subject today. Very plausible as we did pay the £139 a year as stated into a Loyalty Bonus Scheme. Tried to find AMR Barcelona on the web, but no details appear - if genuine why no formal address?? Adds to the suspicion of yet another scam from United Paradise or its owners. Hearing other peoples stories are useful.
I don't think it is a scam - They know too much about the scheme and how it was administered to be scamming people and they can't be the same Company as United Paradise no longer exist. I too have been contacted by this Company. The Loyalty Bonus scheme was sold to us by Chayofa country club as a type of investment. We had to pay £139 per year for each week (we bought 2 weeks) with the promise of a lump sum after 5, 7 or 10 years. RCI will not know about this scheme as it was administered by United Paradise who own Chayofa. I am prepared to take the gamble and pay the 175 up front to get the minimum of £5,000. At the very least I'll take advantage of the free accommodation and have a nice week in the sun.
By all of you saying "LOOKS LIKE A SCAM" I THINK IT'S A SCAM" "IN MY OPINION IT'S A SCAM", you may be frightening people off that could be in a position to claim some money that they were promised in the first place. If you don't know for definite it is a scam the either put up or shut up!
Since my last posting I sent an email to the Spanish Consumer Association who have promptly replied to my enquiry as to the potential scam.
They believe that it looks like it, they believe that a serious company would not use an un-recognisable email address (their words), provide no names and no checkable data and no documentation Their recommendation is to not sign anything and not to pay any money in advance under any circumstances.
Gin Drinker, we don't appreciate forum abuse like your post ended up with ("put up or shut up !" ) so kindly refrain.
You're no tonic to the thread, get it ? G&T.
This message was last edited by morerosado on 10/1/2008.
We have now had two calls about this and have been promised an email with the details - but this has so far failed to arrive. Lynn at Asset Management Recovery in Barcelona claimed that they were acting on behalf of trustees appointed by the courts to reclaim the loyalty bonus payments. A cheque was effectively waiting for us in Tenerife - although she could not tell me how much - just that it would be between £5k and £12k depending how much we had paid in. We had to go there to sign the papers and show our passports as proof of identity. The £175 was a 'legal administration fee' which had to be paid in advance but we would have 7 days free accommodation. They had thousands more people to call and the weeks were already getting booked up so it would have to be into next year. She said she would call back later to see if I have received email and have any more questions. I have emailed the Timeshare Consumers Association to get their views.
Why did Fibby get contacted then, she does not think she paid into this Loyalty Bonus Scheme. So they are contacting everyone that was in this Timeshare scheme. Sorry still thing this is a scam. But would like to be proved wrong.  Pat
To Morerosado,
I don't see "put up or shut up" as abuse, it is a very well known saying. Meaning if you have absolute proof this is a scam show me or say nothing.
Have just had a reply from Timeshare Consumers Association which says 'don't touch with a bargepole'.
I have also now received the promised email which comes from the Spanish equivalent of a hotmail address - hardly inspiring confidence!
"With reference to our earlier telephone conversation, I am writing to confirm that we have contacted you in regard to the Loyalty Bonus Scheme you signed for when you purchased your timeshare with United Paradise either at Chayofa Country Club or The Palms.
As discussed you paid an initial £139.00, then a further £139.00 annually and your return should have been £ 5,000, £7,000 or £12,000. To date no-one has received any monies from this scheme and you were eventually told that there was no money available. Trustees have been appointed and have recovered assets from the Company releasing available funds for those affected members. Your refund depends on the term of the investment with the minimum amount being £5,000.
There is an administration team based in Tenerife, where you purchased to deal with these refunds. The company will provide up to 7 nights accommodation free of charge to you on the Golf del Sur in the South of Tenerife for all named parties on your original Loyalty Bonus Certificate and their dependent children.
The fee of £175.00 mentioned to you, once paid for your protection by Visa or Master card is to cover legal, administration and registration fees.
I look forward to speaking to you again as arranged, should you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact me.
Subject to availability, terms and conditions apply.
Yours sincerely
Corporate Office"
Gin Drinker, I know exactly what it means. I thought for a 1st post it read rather rudely.
We debate on EOS, we don't all know every last thing. By discussions we sometimes get to the truth of things.
Let's agree to differ on it.
Welcome to EOS.
Hi Teddy. I would listen to what the Timeshare Consumers Association says. Also I did not realise that the Timeshare was not associated with RCI that would have sent alarm bells ringing with me anyway. Most Timeshares are associated with RCI so you can bank weeks and exchange I have used them myself and found them very good. The sad thing is a lot of people they are ringing will fall for this and probaly get ripped of again. Pat
I am really hopeful about this company despite what people are saying and have paid the £175.
What have i got to loose, 7 days in the sun and hopefully coming home with a check.
I'm going in a few weeks will post again when i return.
 Hi Char52, Welcome to the forum. Yes please post when you come back would be very interested to see how you get on. Just do not part with any money is my advice for what it is worth. Pat