I would just like to share this with you as it may give some hope to the many people who have paid deposits only to find that the build is late or not going ahead.
We put down 42000 euros on an off plan development which was to be completed in july 2008.We only found out afterwards that it did not have planning permission.
Being a bit naive we did not obtain a bank garauntee. The bulders then said it would be the end of 2009 before completion.
We went over in the summer and confronted the builders who then admitted that the build was not going to go ahead.

After a series of shouting matches on the phone they agreed to return our money.

For some reson we had to go over in person (which we did last week )to collect the cheques. and sign a cancellation contract which of course asked us tio sign away our rights to any further claims.
So they sat on our cash for over a year.and we hads to pay £500 to flyt over to collect it.

On reflection, looking at some of the other people in our position we should consider ourselves lucky to have got it all back and as the pound has slipped against the Euro so much since july 2007 we have made a few bob on the exchange rate.
We would like to thank
Maria De Castro for all the sound advise she has given us. and pointing out what rights we have and what courses of action we would have to follow to get a refund. I'm sure her letters to the builder have helped to prompt them into giving us a refund.