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23 Nov 2008 12:00 AM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

24 Nov 2008 9:40 AM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

This petition is a great idea.  Anyone having problems using their bank guarantee to have their deposits returned to them should sign this petition.

Thanks for posting it on here Tish.



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24 Nov 2008 9:51 AM by andenca Star rating in London. 44 posts Send private message

This is an excellent idea Tish, I have signed it and hope everyone else does.

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24 Nov 2008 9:57 AM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

The lady behind this petition has been treated appallingly by the Court in Spain. I know her personally and she is an inspiration to all of us in this battle to get justice in Spain. I hope many people will sign this petition. 

Thank you Justin and andenca for your support! 

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24 Nov 2008 12:19 PM by ruth Star rating in on a hill in rural L.... 117 posts Send private message

 I am new to this website and had a little local difficulty in putting the petition on !  But here is my preamble...

Has your bank guarantee failed you?
Guarantee dishonoured: result - lost savings and no property!
Can’t get your deposit back?

Do you want your deposit back?
Action is needed against banks when their guarantees are not honoured.

I am one of those would-be purchasers caught up in the Bank Guarantee fiasco: the guarantee is supposed to be for our, the consumer’s, protection when things go wrong. In reality we have been left at the mercy of the developer’s and Town Hall’s foul practices. We are in danger of losing substantial savings, and there being no property to enjoy at the end.

I can’t sit still.

It’s my belief that there are a huge number of us in the same predicament. The Bank of Spain, as reported by El Pais and quoted on Kyero 
claims not to have received many complaints. We need to act.

So, to protest, I’ve organised a web petition which I intend to send to the Governor of the Bank of Spain as soon as possible. Under the heading of ‘Buying off-plan in Spain? Spanish banks should honour guarantees’ it can be found at the address shown in Tish's mailing earlier.  (As I'm new I can't give an e-address yet). 

It is being hosted by GoPetition. Please take a look.

The petition is specifically focussed and worded so that anyone who has been, is now, or is likely to be involved in, recouping their deposits through the use of a bank guarantee will be able to sign. I need your support – unity is strength and all that.

For anyone unfamiliar with a web-petition, and for reassurance, let me explain that it has two elements – a public list and a private list. The public facts collected will show only your name, country/region, and date. If you wish, even your name can be hidden although this is not advised. The facts that will be withheld from public view are those which you are able to give re the names of the developer and development, the names of the bank and the legal status of the build. These facts will be hidden (for legal reasons) and made known only to me as the author of the petition and to the Governor of the BoS (of course!).

Importantly, there is also a box for your Comments. You can make these public if you wish. You have just 500 characters (not words) to use here. This is the opportunity to give the petition some succinct wellie. Or not - you can ask for your comments to remain publicly hidden if you prefer. The GoPetition home page
explains how their system works.

If you agree with the above, sign the petition AND write directly to the Governor of the BoS.

Advertising this petition.

I need your help here. I’m alerting the UK national press and have succeeded in getting the attention of a couple of journalists. Justin has kindly offered to support it on this site. Michael Cashman (MEP) has agreed to publicize it too. The problem does not lie only within the UK so if anyone would be willing to alert foreign presses to the petition I would be grateful.  My local paper has expressed an interest in writing a column. Local papers have large readerships and it would be good if, after signing the petition, you would send a copy of the petition preamble to your local paper letting them know of its existence. Who knows? We might get a few signatures that way. I hope the petition will hit hard.

I’d be grateful for any suggestions and support. I’m reachable here and through the mechanics of the petition itself.


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29 Nov 2008 10:52 AM by ruth Star rating in on a hill in rural L.... 117 posts Send private message

The Olive Press has an interesting article re the behaviour of banks in Andalucia.  I've not been posting long enough to allow the thread but the article is headed 'Were banks linked to planning scandal?'

Take a look.

If you haven't signed the petition to the Governor of the Bank of Spain yet and it's appropriate for you to do so (you have a guarantee which the bank will not honour) then please do.  And publicise the petition as widely as you can.  I think the scandal is probably a national one and goes far beyond the borders of Andalucia.

Many thanks to those of you that have signed already.


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29 Nov 2008 5:34 PM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

This is great but unfortunately it doesn't cover the situation where an illegal Bank Guarantee was written into the contract i.e. where the insurance company was apparently not recognised in Spain. It would be interesting to know just many purchasers were fooled into thinking they had a valid BG through this route.

Good luck with all your endeavours.

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29 Nov 2008 8:06 PM by ruth Star rating in on a hill in rural L.... 117 posts Send private message

Ads, I'm so sorry.  The petition doesn't cover this.  Words fail me.

And the dishonesty and the conniving and the scams keep pouring out.  Unbelievable!!


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30 Nov 2008 12:40 PM by Just Dan Star rating. 440 posts Send private message




This message was last edited by Just Dan on 11/30/2008.

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30 Nov 2008 9:58 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

Here is the link Ruth wanted to post:

More happy weekend reading!

To remind:

If the petition is appropriate for you (you have a bank guarantee and it hasn't been honoured) and you haven't yet signed , please do. Keep the signatures coming...

Many thanks to those of you that have.


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01 Dec 2008 1:06 PM by Just Dan Star rating. 440 posts Send private message


Hi Ruth

What development do you have a problem with the Bank Guarantee .


Just Dan

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02 Dec 2008 1:13 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

02 Dec 2008 1:37 PM by Just Dan Star rating. 440 posts Send private message


Hi Ruth

Are you one of the 5 thats on Santa Maria Green Hills as there seem a great deal of posters from this one development on this petition when the problem is throughout Spain.

Is anyone looking to use this petition in any appeal in the courts. ( if anyone does in my opinion they will loose thats for sure)In particular on the Costa del Sol.

Seems that the excellent intent to get only those with valid Bank Guarantees are being diluted by the poor souls that were promised one and not received it.

Perhaps another Petition for them would be helpful as they shouldnt be forgotton as these are being taken for a ride even more than the rest of us.

Also when posting if people could post their experiences it would have treble the effect

That excellent posting by Marbella Lawyers makes it all sound SOOoooo easy when we all know thats way off the mark


Any Help . Please dont hesitate to ask

Just Dan

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02 Dec 2008 6:19 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

Dan, if you look at the petition you will see that a very small percentage are from GH. Peinsa people are signing  too +many others. Don't get hung up on GH.  The comments on the petition make interesting reading. It is also encouraging to Ruth (and others)  to see so many signatures in a relatively short  time frame.

Seems that the excellent intent to get only those with valid Bank Guarantees are being diluted by the poor souls that were promised one and not received it.

"One size cannot fit all."

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02 Dec 2008 6:58 PM by Just Dan Star rating. 440 posts Send private message

Forgive me but wasnt the whole petition for those with Bank Guarantees and how a legally binding agreement between and individual and a Countries banking system is abused .

Would hate to think that this excellent direct approach does not carry maximum punch, this is not a one fits all situation and Ruth has posted her wish on her Petition that we do keep focussed. Yep have read the postings and they are getting diluted with many not wanting to be identified or willing to share their case.

Also would;be a shame;should (and I am not saying they are)anyone be using the petition for self motivated reasons. SANTA MARIA;GREEN;HILLS seemed to have started the postings so I was inclined to ask.

As we all know there is not much chance of the banks paying out on this development as its one of the better ones and;most are far worse.Having said that then great for all concerned however this one is well accounted; for with buyers ready to pounce ( probably the Bank employees)

Still this is going off track& and surely the Petition is down to a simple answer. Are Bank Guarantees in Spain;legal or not  YES or NO; I hope that Ruth agrees as thats what we are all;supporting.

The simple fact is that Spain will ignore everyone until other Euro Countries start to realise that the situation regarding these legal contracts which we have a problem with may very well be theirs in the future when Spain has to be bailed out. THATS WHY THEY ARE;SAYING THEY;ARE NOT;RECEIVING ANY;COMPLAINTS and typical of how some lie to suit themselves

Yep they really think that this will sort itself out and its still TOMORROW TOMORROW and what we want is action today.

Please everyone get behind the Petition and it will be ineresting to where it leads us

Great to see E.O.S backing this

Just Dan


He who rides with the hare and the hounds

This message was last edited by Just Dan on 12/2/2008.

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02 Dec 2008 7:54 PM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

DAN..."Running with the hare & hunting with the hounds!   

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02 Dec 2008 11:31 PM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

I understand the argument that one size cannot fit all but wouldn't there be strength in numbers if all cases of Bank Guarantee illegality (split into their respective types of abuse) were to be covered by a petition such as this? That way surely the petition would identify the true picture and better reflect the large number of purchasers caught up in Bank Guarantee abuse to warrant a combined effort and therefore a very strong case for justice.


This message was last edited by ads on 12/2/2008.

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03 Dec 2008 8:32 AM by Tish Star rating in Surrey. 833 posts Send private message

Ads, I can see the point you are making, BUT... Ruth has set up the petition in light of her own experience of the injustice of the Spanish judicial system of having a BG, a just reason to exercise the BG and it not being honoured by the bank, which I have to say is disgraceful. She wrote the preface on what knowledge she has of people who have BGs. There is nothing to stop people adding their names to the petition who have not got BGs but find themselves in similar predicaments re illegal properties, no LFOs etc. There is a section where one can write comments about their personal circumstances. It will all add weight to rapidly growing petition.


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03 Dec 2008 10:15 AM by ads Star rating. 4133 posts Send private message

Thanks Tish but Ruth said that the petition doesn't cover the circumstance where an invalid BG has been provided (i.e. where the insurance company providing the BG was not recognised in Spain) so your advice goes against her interpretation. Who is right here?

There's no point others adding to the list unless the wide spectrum of Bank Guarantee abuse is properly identified and addressed by the powers that be. For real action to prevail it shouldn't just be a small contingent of those affected by illegal practices connected with Bank Guarantees who's circumstances are to be reviewed here, it should be looked upon as a whole.

From my own personal perspective I would wish that this petition carry  the weight of opinion connected with all aspects of BG abuse. I so admire Ruth for following this through but please can we have some combined agreement here on the true purpose and intent of this petition, which I had genuinely hoped was established to stamp out abuse within the BG system..... Perhaps I was mistaken?

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03 Dec 2008 11:44 AM by Just Dan Star rating. 440 posts Send private message



Of course you are correct but firstly Ruth question must be answered

Are Bank Guarantees in Spain;legal or not  YES or NO.    "If its no then little point of having one if its useless anyway" so why waste the time trying to get one.

SPAIN and its European partners must be made to answer if this legally binding contract is worth the paper its written on if Spain can ever start repairing the damage

Just Dan

Running with the hares and huntings with the doggies and he who bats on both sides

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