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21 Jan 2009 12:00 AM by tweety5 Star rating. 42 posts Send private message

hi, im in a position that thousands are in at the moment, but i find here in spain i am banging my head against the wall, as unlike the uk, nobody listens and  i cant find any help/citizins advice ect/

quite simply, my husband and i have both lost our jobs here in spain, we worked in the bar trade and have been laid off /pub quiet now its winter/

we have a mortgage with caixagalicia in torrevieja , and it is a high mortgage.. we have been to see them twice.

when we had our conversation with them it reminded me of the sketch in little britain programme, she tapped into her computer and shrugged her shoulders, and almost said "computer says no"

we explained we had no income, i asked if we could have a few months mortgage holiday/computer says no!/

 she then offered me a remortgage, that would have quite simply put 10.000 eur onto my mortgage dept

how is that helping me? all it is doing is pushing the problem to two years time, i am in negative equity now, so putting 10.000 eur onto my dept and increasing my payments big time in two years is of no help to me whatsoever!

just when i thought this may be my only option, she then told me she would want ALL  my previous work contracts and all tax papers, and if worked in uk for last two years all p60s, says no!

 now lets get real here, i moved here 8 years ok, and when i moved here hardly any bars/shops/restaurants gave contracts , yes i know they should, bla bla bla.....but they didnt! and a lot of places i have worked they havent and still dont! so i havent got all the tax papers ect they need, and truth be told i bet half of spain havent.

so where do i stand now?  i know its wrong, but you cant blame people for doing a runner, you just cant get help, they really dont want to know, i cant give them what i havent got.

on a different friend is totally legal...just been laid off work  and has spent almost six weeks in the social security office, getting in long queues , being sent away again, and she took a spanish friend with her to translate!

i have come to the conclusion they really do not want to help us, they were a third world country, we all came along and made the country richer, and now we can go to hell


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21 Jan 2009 3:46 PM by georgia Star rating in Algorfa (As seen on .... 1832 posts Send private message

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 Hi Tweety,

A story that effects many at the moment,it does feel sometimes that we were welcomed with open arms in the good times and now when the proverbial has hit the fan we can all b****er off!

If its any consolation the Locals are getting treated just the same,i have a few Spanish friends that are really suffering at the moment.

I have heard rumours that Unemployment benefit will soon be available to autonomous  people depending on the length of time you have been in the system, also that mortgage payment breaks will also be available for the self employed.

It may be worth checking this out with a lawyer, as you know a lot of what you hear is conjecture and hearsay.

As for Bank managers, well what can i say's probably too rude for an open forum....

They have no sympathy at all with people in the current climate and it seems no intention to help, sometimes common sense does not prevail...

You just feel like saying "you put us in this mess in the first place" they can borrow billions off the governemt when they are suffering but you try prizing anything out of their grubby mitts..!

I wish you all the best, as i say,try asking a lawyer regarding any benefits.

_______________________ still here after all these years!

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21 Jan 2009 3:54 PM by chrisfisher Star rating in Malaga. 36 posts Send private message

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i heard a couple of months ago that a law has been passed so you can extend the length of your mortgage and bring down the monthly payments.


have a look at


Hope it can be of some help, I lost my job after 4 years last year, am now working again but been told that may change soon......keep smiling ;-)

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21 Jan 2009 7:05 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

Georgia, you mentiom the possibility of unemployment benefit for self employed persons, but I think you are missing the point. From what I can gather from Tweety's post, she was not only not self employed, but neither was she "employed". If you haven't paid into the system, you ain't gonna get nothing out.




"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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