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27 Jan 2009 12:00 AM by Suzie Star rating in England. 121 posts Send private message

Please don't forget the 2 petitions which are running:

The one started by Ruth is for those who have legally binding Bank Guarantees, but who find that the banks are refusing to honour them. It will be sent to the Governor of the Bank of Spain.  This petition can be signed at:

http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/spanishbankguarantees.html      I believe it will close at the end of January.

There is another Petition which aims to cover all problems with property abuses in Spain, and also welcomes supportive signatures, even if they have no property problems.  It will be going to Gordon Brown PM at No. 10, and also to the EU in Brussels.  Another couple of weeks (appx)  left to sign this one:


Thanks to all who have signed so far, and if you haven't - PLEASE DO SO.

These two petitions may be our best chance of making our voices heard - please do not miss the opportunity you have to do so NOW. 

Thanks from Suzanne.

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27 Jan 2009 5:11 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message

C'MON EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please join in with this and spread the word to anyone who might not realise that the huge amount of time and effort put in by Suzie and Ruth will help to force changes needed that will benifit all decent people that have anything to do with Spain, not just those in conflict.

Now is our chance to have our voice heard. Let's not lose it!

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28 Jan 2009 3:20 PM by sandra Star rating in . 812 posts Send private message

sandra´s avatar

In response to Suzannes' request that we contact our MPs and MEPs to inform them of the two petitions , I thought you might like to read the reply I got from one of my MEPs - Bill Newton-Dunn. His reply to my initial email left me confused as to wether or not he had read/understood what I was saying and so I emailed him again to clarify, here is his response:-

Thanks. I did look at your link - but, receiving several hundred emails each day, do not have time to look at the small prints of messages and of websites, just make a quick assessment of whether it is serious or frivolous !
The "PM" will not do anything, and will be unable to do anything, having power only inside our borders. His minions will try to give an impression of action because they fear the General Election which is approaching.
The European Parliament's Petitions committee receives thousands of petitions each year from EU citizens. So its wheels grind very slowly but you will eventually get a recommendation out of it, presumably to the Spanish government, maybe in several years time. Even then, the Spanish government is not forced to act on the committee's recommendation, but it may help you in the longer run.
All the best
Bill ND







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28 Jan 2009 4:05 PM by Suzie Star rating in England. 121 posts Send private message

I find this response rude & patronising, and disagree with much of it.  Maybe it's because it does not come from a member of the Labour Party,  & would not want to show any support for a petition going to the present Government?  We shall see, but we shall also battle on!

Keep your signatures coming in please, & many thanks also to those who have already taken just a minute to sign.  That's all it takes.



This message was last edited by Suzie on 1/28/2009.

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28 Jan 2009 4:28 PM by sandra Star rating in . 812 posts Send private message

sandra´s avatar

"Maybe it's because it does not come from a member of the Labour Party,  & would not want to show any support for a petition going to the present Government?"

Even so you would expect better manners from him.

"we shall also battle on"


Go Girl Go!!!!!







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28 Jan 2009 4:54 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


next time we get some new bonkers law dreamt up by the EU, that we are supposed to abide by, perhaps we will say. ''Well we get loads of new laws to consider, and we are a bit busy to take much notice, perhaps we will abide by it in a few years time.......but we can't promise!''

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13 Feb 2009 11:46 AM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

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