Hi Jow
And welcome to the wacky world of Communities!
In agreement with Maria and Noreen the notification only needs to be sent to your Spanish address and at silly (in my opinion) date of five days before the meeting.
Like Noreen we on our Urbanisation have done everything to right this wrong and we now do it this way.
I (as President) send out the calling by email, on the website and the Community notice board.
The Administrator sends out the written calling to the address supplied by the owner, and in the main these are outside Spain.
We also give the date of the next A.G.M. at the end of the previous A.G.M. to allow it to be recorded in the minutes and also allow owners to book flights well in advance.
You can suggest all (or some) of the above be added to the agenda of your next A.G.M. but you may be too late for this year.