Hi all
We have been chasing our management company for a copy of the statutes relating to our community along with a copy of the contract between them and the developer. The under noted is their response,
"It seems the promoter never set up specific statutes for the community, this is not unusual as the community is governed under the national community law the Ley de division horizontal. In any way this law always supercedes individual statutes and most statutes are almost a copy with minor alteration.
Also in relation to our contract we have these on other communities but again not on your community, again it is not required as the duties are specified in the Ley de Division horizonatal.
Northern European normally like to have some piece of paper on this, Spanish never want this as they understand the Division Horizontal."
The big question we are asking is our development legal? With no statutes who owns what? I would appreciate any advice from anyone who has some knowledge on this subject.
Gee Gee
This message was last edited by Gee Gee on 3/22/2009.
This message was last edited by Gee Gee on 3/22/2009.