The Comments |
Hi all
Sorry if this has been asked before, but I am confused re what taxes I need to pay in Spain , I am a non Resident. Do I have to pay Sumo and non resident taxes?? Do I need to use a solicter do pay both of these taxes???
We have our property since May 2008
I would be very grateful for your advise.
As far as I know you'll need to pay
1: IBI tax (council tax)
2: Basura (rubbish collection fee)
3: La Renta Tax.
You may pay a year in arrears on La Renta the other 2 I'm not sure Maybe some else can answer you better.
Sumo tax only applicable in Japan (sorry, couldn't resist it!);
SUMA applies to Costa Blanca, but is same thing as IBI. You will be liable for 2009 onwards. 2008 should have been paid by previous owner, since they owned it on Jan 1st of that year. Bills aren't usually sent out until second half of the year - which makes it difficult for the previous owner to pay 2008 if you bought it in May. If it's a new build, you may have to wait a couple of years for the council to sort themselves out - and then bill you for several years at once!
You can do your own renta (income) tax, and there are people on here who will explain how, or you may prefer to pay a professional asesoria fiscal to do it on your behalf. 2008 payment due by either end of June or end of December 2009 - can't remember which for non-residents?
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
You can set up a direct debit to pay the SUMA IBI tax through your Spanish bank. The non resident 'renta' tax is paid using a modelo 210 tax form. You can either pay a fiscal rep to do this for you, complete your own form if your Spanish is up to it, or obtain the modelo 210 ready completed and take it to your own bank to make payment. For details of the modelo 210 completion at a cost of just 35 euros please see link to my website. I can also let you have the SUMA direct debit form if you are interested.
Did I mention there are people on here who will tell you how to do your own renta? 
Did we ever agree on the deadline for non-res. returns, folk?
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Did I mention there are people on here who will tell you how to do your own renta? 
Hi Rob, you did & bingo, two appeared almost at the same time, rather like our local buses. 
If you submit yourself it's end of Dec, if a fiscal/lawyer submits on your behalf it's end June. (Do try & keep up, dear. )
Sorry I took my eye off the ball - too busy working out how long I can postpone filing my own tax return in order to maximise the interest I will earn before coughing up. How much is 0% of nothing, by the way?
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Hi all
Thank you very much for all your helpful replies. I think it is all a bit clearer now.
Fibby - I will send you a pm for more information.
Thanks again
All fine information for new non resident property owner. But heres a point that everyone should be aware of.
For Owners in Estepona
The owners that have registered Estepona as their main residence are given a subsidy from the Town Hall towards the IBI bill.
Why should non resident property owners have to pay more than others?
Is it because we do not have a vote?
I am suprised that people do not complain about this discrimination.
Hi The Doc
I have read this in another thread I think.
If you sign on the Padron, would you get the disount then?
I don't think this discount applies in my area Costa Blanca.
If it is just local to Estapona, then i agree, Non Residents are being dicriminated against.
Start a petition!
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
Hello Fibby Uk,
A petition would be a good idea, watch this space! Have you any suggestions on how to set one up?
This system of subsidising empadronmientos is not uncommon . There have been a few articles on websites and newspapers.
But the difference in Estepona is that there was 2 increases in 08 .The catastral value and the perecentage from 0.85 to 1.1
Resulting in a 60 % increase for non residents and believe it or not only 2.1% for empadronmientos.It would appear that the EU is the only answer to force the Spain Government to implement their own laws .
My understanding is that many councils encouraged property owners, both resident and non-resident, to sign on the padrón, in order to boost the apparent population figures, which would then bring more funding from regional and/or central govt. To encourage people, they offered discounts on IBI, and in some cases (such as Torremolinos) basura and water rates. In the case of Estepona in particular, it seems someone didn't do their sums right, because the town is effectively bankrupt!
I also understand that only those actually registered as resident in Spain are supposed to sign on the padrón, so town halls that encouraged non resident property owners to do so were probably in breach of some law or other. No doubt it will all come out in the wash sooner or later, and the apparent discrimination will have to be resolved. Again, in the case of Estepona, it will most likely mean residents have to pay 60% more, rather than non residents getting the discount!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Hi the doc,
Not being a "doc" myself, I don't have a "cure" for your petition problem.
But if things works the same as in the UK, find out who is in power locally, go and talk.
Get the local press involved, Spanish & English.............
If you can, get the empowered political party and the local press on your side.
They can help set up some sort of protest/petition, they will have the knowledge.
This whole situation sounds ludicrous to me, go sort it out!
You could end up the local hero!
Good luck,,,,,,,,,,,,
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
The "empowered political party" are the bozos in the town hall calling the shots. Conflict of interests, methinks!
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
Hi Rob Good to 'see' you again. (Don't mention we were off the air, for Gawd's sake, will you ? Bit of a nightmare all round).
Ooh, those lips sent a shiver down me spine!
Since we're on this thread, do you think maybe Justin hasn't paid his taxes?
"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"
Mark Twain
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This message was last edited by morerosado on 05/05/2009.