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13 Mar 2007 6:09 PM by Gillespie Star rating in Costa Calida Area. 608 posts Send private message

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13 Mar 2007 6:13 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

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Oh God, now you've got Smiley all worked up. Somebody throw a bucket of cold water on him please.

Pitby, I read all about the construction industry in your neck of the woods in Nat. Geographic January this year (I'm sure you can find the excellent article on-line if you missed it) so understand what you're saying.

Bet you can beat me for cynicism? See you around the threads!



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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13 Mar 2007 6:22 PM by Gillespie Star rating in Costa Calida Area. 608 posts Send private message

Gillespie´s avatar
Didn´t think this thread had the makings of anything mucky! just shows the minds of some people here!! Anyhow I´m off to an appointment with a large rib-eye steak. See yaalll tomorrow ..baahhh


Business advice and consultancy - Visit

Calida in2 Business - Spanish Property Clearance.

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13 Mar 2007 6:24 PM by Pitby Star rating in Andalucía. 1904 posts Send private message

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Roberto!!  When you're laid back listening to Jesse Cook, I'll strike!!!  Cynicism is my middle name!!

By the way, you don't have a link to that NG report do you???  Have just done a search and can't find anything that details the woes of the construction industry here.

Now, back to paint ......

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13 Mar 2007 6:26 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

Interesting points below about building standards (lack of), especailly NO GUTTERS.

Had a problem in our community (can't remember if I wrote about it my articles or not) where one of our members had a veritable Niagara Falls right outside their front door every time it rained. This was because the terrace above the door drains through a little hole , straight onto the floor below. Approached the developer about the problem, who said effectively "that's the architect's design, not a building error, so tough sh*t." He also helpfully took me outside his office and pointed out countless other buildings with similar "designs", to illustrate the fact that "that's the way we do it here". We used community funds to solve the problem with a little bit of plastic tubing to divert the deluge into the garden, where the water would be more productive. All very technical!

Colour render - I take it that's the stuff more and more new buildings are using around here? Looks great when new, and never needs painting. But the old gutterless problem again - a couple of buildings near me are only 2 or 3 years old, but there are long black stains running down from the top of the building, looking a bit like big dirty icicles. Why IS it the Spain is so anti-gutters?




"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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14 Mar 2007 2:12 PM by andy harris Star rating in Costa Del Sol, Mijas.... 21 posts Send private message

Hi Fibby and Roberto,

Ta for advice re email address and such. This webstuff is all pretty advanced for a technophobe like me but, like spanish, I`m learning and any advice on do`s and don`ts and how to do stuff privately, gratefully accepted.

Re Roberto`s comments re coloured render, you correctly identify the one drawback. Yes its coloured all the way through, so in theory you shouldn`t need to repaint it.

However its very porous and does  a great job in getting dirty and growing algae wherever it regularly comes into contact with water.

I haved   a product for this too. Its called an Oxy Aluminium Stereate for you techies/chemists  out there. Its basically a transparent liquid , applied by low pressure spray to a porous substrate. it floods the surface and prevents any water ingress. No water ingress equals no algal growth or dirty marks. Works similar to silicone but less prone to degrade in ultra violet light ( the sun ). Again used it for years. Fantastic , demonstrable results. We market as `Clearcoat`.

Again, free samples to any one who wants to come collect/try before they buy etc, meet up for a beer/whatever,  but I`m in CDS, Mijas Costa. Or privately? email me and I`ll send product data sheets. ( Fibby how do I update my profile? )

 In UK I worked largely out of Wimborne Dorset.

Hope this is of use out there in internet blog land


Andy H ( Appollo )


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14 Mar 2007 6:26 PM by Smiley Star rating in San Pedro de Alcanta.... 2502 posts Send private message

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Hi Andy I sent you an e mail yesterday did you get it?


Smiley -

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14 Mar 2007 6:33 PM by Gillespie Star rating in Costa Calida Area. 608 posts Send private message

Gillespie´s avatar
sorry guys...Just had to keep this thread at the top ;+)


Business advice and consultancy - Visit

Calida in2 Business - Spanish Property Clearance.

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14 Mar 2007 11:56 PM by JeansSis Star rating. 2376 posts Send private message

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Talking about paint, I was reading in another forum about some paint that insulates & wondered if you were interested, seeing as the person who wanted to know about it was living on the CB. It DOES get cold in the Spanish winter.

We have a problem inside, in a very small area on our lounge wall, by the tiled skirting. The walls were spray painted with a plastic paint & it's textured too. The paint's blistered & popping when we touch it. It's dry. So, what can we do ?

There are many threads I want to keep at the top, BTW. I don't "bump" a thread after a few mins , I wait a few days at least. Just off to bump some now  (This has certainly been very informative.)


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15 Mar 2007 12:53 PM by andy harris Star rating in Costa Del Sol, Mijas.... 21 posts Send private message

Message for `Smiley`


No I didn`t receive an email from you yesterday. Try again?


AndyH (appollo )


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17 Mar 2007 7:07 PM by Roberto Star rating in Torremolinos. 4551 posts Send private message

Roberto´s avatar

Enjoyed a good chat over a couple of coffees with Andy this morning, and just have to say, top bloke, and he really knows his paint! Anyone thinking of re-painting in the near future would do well to have a chat with him. Also, re earlier post about treating coloured render with Clearcoat - it works, I've seen it demonstrated!

Thanks for the sample, Andy. I'll post the results here sometime.



"Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please"

Mark Twain




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24 Apr 2008 11:21 AM by hombredelpinturas Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

An interesting thread........

Well, all seasons are no longer in business i think. We were quite angry with them as they were one of 2 companies in spain illegally using MY company name!!!!

However, let me put the record straight and give some of you posters here some advice, hope its appreciated.
** EDITED - Please respect terms of posting **

We are mainly UK based although we do a little bit of work in Spain, but mostly england.

Be very wary of any of the companies operating in Spain who do exterior textured coatings. I would sugegst only about 10% of the people involved are committed experts and professionals, the rest are highly dodgy cowboys, who, as one poster rightly pointed out,, tell homeowners that the coating will last up to 25 years, well in spain in particular it will NOT due to the construction of most spanish homes.

I myself have written in several expat magazines and newspapers in Spain warning consumers about the exploits of some exterior coating firms in spain, but somehow the con men and cowboys always seem to be able to find more victims,.............. i mean customers!

Most modern houses in Spain are more suitable to have a coating applied than the old ones.

Whenever WE do a house exterior in spain, almost always it is reccomended that we install whats know as a chemical DPC or damp proof course, which is a chemical injected into the lower parts of the house walls and stops damp rising. If this isnt done, the coating almost certainly will not last and you wished you HAD called Pedro down the road to come and do it for a song!

An exterior coating has many long term  benefits, but ONLY IF THE WORK IS CARRIED OUT CORRECTLY.

Unfortunately by the time you find out it hasnt, the company is long gone...........which is also what has happened here in england.

I have campaigned for many years against bad selling of exterior coatings, even though i work in the industry myself, but time after time, customers are taken in by conmen, and i have to say a good 50% of all reports that have been passed to our organisation with reference poor work in spain, THE CUSTOMER HAS NOT HELPED THE MATTER BY PAYING THE FIRM IN CASH NOTES instead of a cheque in Euros.

I know we all like a bargain, but if you pay for ANY work on your home in spain using cash notes, you almost certainly will not have a leg to stand on if it goes wrong. This is the same in england too, so please be warned.

There are admitedly a few good coating companies in Spain, but make sure you follow up any references they have, check they are licensed, make sure they are in spanish registered vehicles, or they could be fly by night brits, who will return here when the you-know-what hits the fan, so be warned.

I am not just referring to having someone paint the outside of your house in spain, i mean any home improvements, whether its roofing, extensions, double glazing etc. CHOOSE A REPUTABLE COMPANY AND FOLLOW UP REFERENCES, AND IF POSSIBLE GO AND SEE AN EXAMPLE OF THEIR WORK.

and if you have an old house, if a company will not inject a DPC as stated above, please mr and mrs consumer DONT get them in to paint your home as it wont work and you will have wasted your money. Wallcoatings are more expensive than paint, but in general, you get a lot more work for your money, for example a reputable company will carry out a lot of preparation such as render repairs and fix cracks before they do the coating work, but a painter and decorator will not, they will just paint what they are told to do, which suits some people but not others

.why not learn some spanish if you havent already and get a real local to do the work instead of someone only in spain for a few months, making a quick buck before they leave.

i hope the above is useful.
** EDITED - No self promotion **

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