The Comments |
Hi has anyone had problems with Iberian International please respond to this thread because i am trying to build up a portfolio of complaints against this company.
Hi, I have a few issues with this company.
What do you intend to do with your portfolio of complaints.
Ellen & Jim
I am dealing with IB at the moment still at early stages.
What do you mean problems. I havent hd any yet. I dont think
Hi I bought a property at Las Kalendas in Murcia and the reason i wanted this property was because i could have an underbuild it was the deciding factor.
I am two weeks from completion and the property has been built in the wrong place they have sealed the underbuild ie forgotten to put a staircase in , 2 bathrooms are completly wrong ie showere room where a bathroom should be and vice versa no accesto the underbuild it is now a sealed void, the villa should have been in mustard and is terracota forgotten to pre insatll air con and alarm system also forgotten to put a damp membrane around the underbuild.
I have been chasing them about problems for nearlly a year and finally recieved a letter saying that AIB Technical is at fault please note AIB Technical is part of the same groupas Iberian Atlas international. They will do nothing about problems i have not exchanged yet and due t this do not intend to
I have a film company who are interested in pursueing Iberian so all the help the better f i was in a position to get my money back i would. so please contact me if possible.
We had problems with them, though thankfully didn't buy with them though I'm happy to tell you what happened if you can use it. (BTW our friends who DID buy on our inspection trip had nothing but trouble.)
Basically we went to a local exhibition & saw 3 or 4 properties with 500 sq. metre plots that we liked ( we never wanted to be on a small plot.) On our first day we gathered as you do with whoever's taking you out & in those days they tended to take you out with two other couples. We asked if we were going to see our chosen properties THAT day as we were so excited & the couple of salespersons said they were all sold & we should've seen that it WAS possible if properties were moving fast which they said they were (about four years ago) so there was nothing to show us ! We were shown properties we were not interested in as they were NOT detached as we'd insisted on also they were on very small plots. We just thought they were telling us the truth about the lack of properties with larger plots & went home feeling very sorry for ourselves.
We saw that there was a Atlas exhibition on that weekend so we went along & got a shock to see they were advertising the properties we had just returned from Spain hoping to be shown ! I said they shouldn't show properties which weren't available & told them what had happened. They said Iberian Inernational were part of Atlas but were causing them much grief & they rang their collegues in Spain who said all the properties we'd wanted to view were available though the showhomes were not near the location they now were being built in. They obviously wanted us to return with them to view these. Having just spent £139 each which it was in those days, we were quite rightly furious with Iberian & managed to get Atlas to confirm the properties were available in an email.
We sent the email to Iberian. We said we wanted a refund to cover my husbands time off work, cattery charges, insurance, taxis to/from the local airport & the £139 x 2. Their woman MD arranged to ring us & we recorded her call. She was very apologetic, actually said "we cocked it all up " & told us we could return at their expense & Iberian would pay all expenses we incurred for that trip. (After such a charade we were never going to use them) We said we just couldn't take time off work again & she just said she'd done her best for us but would not refund the money we'd laid out. We sent the tape to her saying we'd take it further & she didn't respond. We contacted Watchdog & other people (can't now remember who) & they all took details but never helped us. We lost a lot of money as it was a wasted trip & we couldn't buy what we wanted later as prices had gone up way above our budget.
Hi we bought a property through Iberian last year. During the inspection trip the couple that showed us around were excellent. However, once we signed on the dotted line the after sales and customer support was the worst I have ever seen - they simply did not have a clue. The girl doing the mortgages was away with the fairies and the quotes were very poor they state they use all Spanish banks to get the best deal - this is a lie!!! They did not offer anything that was stated in their brochure. Getting response from the Spanish office was impossible (Brits becoming Spanish!!!). I constantly complained to the UK office and got some responses but not good enough. Once we moved in the guys who did the moving in and NIE were good, solicitor was good. Now getting help from Iberian for snags is a non starter they just brushed me off and I am dealing direct with the builder.
Simple advice, use them for your inspection trips and buy through some other agent. DO NOT USE THEM IN ANY WAY FOR A PURCHASE, MORTGAGE OR AFTER SALES SUPPORT ASTHEY SIMPLY DO NOT DELIVER
Well done Steve name and shame them, I have lets hope innocent people do not caught out by them and that our learning will help others
We are 'dealing' with Iberian at present and are about to go out to Almeria to complete on our new house. We are very annoyed with Iberian and their ineptitude. Much of the arranging has been done by us. We organised our own independent solicitor and we obtained our own NIE's. We organised our own 'midterm' visit and inspection and we have organised the final arrangements for completion of sale
The build took over a year more to complete than Iberian advised,with them taking the money way before the builders required . We found this out ourselves when we went directly to the builders when we visited Almeria in the summer. ( Incidently the builders were not at all impressed with Iberian either). There has been a catalogue of poor management in evidence from Iberian since the start. Basically they want your money and then they would really rather you went away and stopped bothering them.
We have lost thousands of pounds in interest due to Iberian because of their insistence on early payments. We had paid 3/4 of the purchase price plus IVA by November 2006, because they had told us the property would be completed by January 2007. As I mentioned earlier, we are only now in February 2008 able to take possession. The developers told us that they do not require their clients to pay more than 30% of the purchase price before completion. Iberian do not seem to understand the natural worries and doubts that folk have when they are making this big step .I really think that they are a rum bunch who are flaunting basic consumer rights and regulations. We leave in two days to sign contracts. Iberian have not contacted us to offer help, we have not heard from their 'Moving In Department', and have not actually had an official letter of completion from Iberian. We are fortunate that we are Spanish speakers and travel-savvy ,and have met lots of people who have been able to give us good advice and guidance. We would not advise anyone to buy through Iberian
This message was last edited by GrayJ on 2/8/2008.
We didn't buy through Iberian ourselves though we did go on an inspection trip with them to the Torrevieja area & they were so pathetic. At the local exhibition we agreed to go on their trip as they had some very good looking properties being sold on 500sq. m plots. We were pleased with the hotel, a brand new one run by Barcelos group by the Mar Menor. We, at that time, were taken around with two other couples who had also been picked up off our flight & we all got on famously. First morning off we all went & I asked if they were going to show us the two properties we had in mind that day. This husband & wife team said "oh, they're all sold !" At the exhibition we were told nothing was definite as everything was selling so fast so we accepted this & just went through the formalities of looking around with the two other couples. We were separated a couple of times when the wife took us to some other properties though many euros above what we believed was going to be needed. Anyway, it was our first trip & the hotel was great, company excellent, food & drink marvellous so we put it down to experience.
However, on our return we saw Atlas, who we learnt afterwards is part of the same group, were having their exhibition on the Saturday as we got home to the UK on the Tuesday so we went. Imagine our shock when we saw they had details of the properties we had gone out to see with Iberian !! I said they shouldn't advertise them as these were sold out but was told no way were they sold out !! The couple at the Atlas exhibition then rang friends in Spain who take clients around in Torre area for Atlas & they assured them that, although the showhouses were in one area with available plots elsewhere, these were available. We asked Atlas to email this to us (we wanted it in writing).
Armed with this we contacted Iberian & their MD, a woman called Olivia Stockdale rang me !! She apologised & I said she needed to speak with my husband who wasn't there. She arranged to ring when he was & we set up a recording device so we had the conversation on tape. In it she said it was "Iberian's cock up" & she offered us a free inspection trip. My OH pointed out to her it wasn't just the cost of the trip, it had meant his loss of wages, cattery charges & taxis to/from the airport too. She said she'd cover all of that if we'd go back but my OH told her he wanted reimbursement of what he'd paid for the unproductive trip, not another trip. We felt they'd not be good to deal with if they couldn't get the info correct on the trip. The couple who took us around had four days to check facts & say they'd got it wrong. Oddly enough much later we found the name of Atlas' s MD, a man, & his surname, I recall, was Stockdale too, same as the Iberian MD's.
This message was last edited by morerosado on 2/8/2008.
I started some of the threads about Iberian International and like other people i have had a year late completion mainly due to snags with the developer. Yes i have lost a lot of interest on my money due to the payment structure but i knew what i signed for and i feel the delays were not down to Iberian but The developer.
I have had major mistakes made and the cause is down to AIB technical who Iberian used and are part of the Atlas group, I feel that AIB Technical are total cowboys and have a lot to answer to and before i completed Iberian had stopped using AIB so things can only get better
So now that i have completed and received my keys I have to say thank you to Jon Parker who took over handling of my purchase, he has been superb in his handling of my purchase and i feel that he did all he could to help along with Lisa the two Geoffs and Ray in Moving In. I hope the Directors of this company appreciate the work they do.
 Well Iberian are still going, we have just received a brochure from them this morning, saying they are starting up in Italy.  But the brochure is about Spain new and resales, Turkey and the Greek islands plus Caribbean. Looking at the Spanish prices  our apartment was a bargain. That's if they can sell them????????? Pat
For your info:
Iberian International is the same company as Atlas International. James (jim) stockdale is the father of Olivia Stockdale and owner of all companies.
Also on the same group:
AIB technical
Iberian International
Atlas International
Priority PR & Marketing
Remember they make a 20% commission that clients PAY on every sale, so think about it before you buy through any UK based agent and do not bre afraid to ask how much they make. Personally I´m comfortable with an agent making a 5 to a 10%, but these guys have been ripping people off for years now.
Good luck, if you need any info on them let me know.
Hello I am new on this blog,
and I like it, I live in Didim Turkey Atlas International and Iberian are operating here as well since 2 years but nothing different as in Spain, every buyer here is saying exactly the same things as the posts I have seen on this blog, so if you have time post your experiences also on the Turkish Blog regarding Atlas International and Iberian
Hi there, now that we are living in Spain, I have been searching blogs for information on social events and so on, and i stumbled across this thread and I have to say I am totally bemused!. We completed on our property in Spain with Iberian International in December 2009 (albeit 3 months late) and i have to say the service i received from Iberian was very good. From the initial sales trip, to collecting our NIE number and completing, Iberian International did a really good job in assisting us and making us feel comfortable with the buying procces, and i found both the UK and Spanish staff to be very helpful. You might say i am in the minority here, but we recommended 2 of our friends to Iberian and they bought on a different complex, and also found Iberian International to be rather good in the customer service department.. Both ourselves and our friends had delays in the building work, but this wasnt down to Iberian, this was down to the builder, and we kind of expected it since the spanish have a different way of life
Now that we have settled into life in spain, i feel that i have to defend iberian and the staff that work there, as people always remember the bad comments and not the positive ones. When i first approached Iberian, i asked them how long that had been running and by now it must be pushing 10 years, i do think if they were such a bad company they wouldnt have been going as long as they have! I think much of the problems that you have experienced are down to builders not fufilling their obligations, and i do wish you all the best of luck with getting these problems resolved if they havent been already
M & T
We completed through Iberian International on our apartment in la mata in early 2009 and i must agree with margaret h in that we found the service good. Both the sales staff in spain and the moving in team worked very hard on our behalf-...a really nice bunch of people that really love their country and love what they do, in fact it was their passion for their country that sold it to us...Our property was already built so we didnt experience any delays. The reason we went with Iberian International was because we knew they had been going along time and had 1000s of clients under their belts, (we checked them out thoroughly before we went) and our salesman in the UK proved to be knowledgable as did all of his colleagues in spain. Sorry to all the people that have had problems, its a shame as iberian seemed to work very hard for us. Best of luck, Si and sandra
I also notice LAM1963 has back tracked slightly since this post so im not sure how many people will get to see the positive comments about Iberian!
S & S
I would ask Surrey trading standards what they think of them and any of the Tecnologica clients that bought through Atlas and their appalling lawyers Aroca!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
still here after all these years!
Hi Georgia, I am aware of the technolocia building company and their problems, but you are ignoring the people like us that have bought through this company and havent had any problems at all,no company can have 100% customers satisfaction!I dont know about Atlas, but Iberian were very good with us and i will stand by what Sandra and i believe. i also see that Iberian are still going strong, as we have recommended our neighbours to them. These type of forums only voice the disatisfaction of a small minority of people. S + S
Iberian International were the first company we went on an inspection trip with in 1992. It was a total farce at that time so seems they've learnt something as the time has passed.
We didn't buy with them as we went to Spain after being told they could show us three properties each with 500 sq m plots. Once in Spain they said they were all sold & we accepted that because, at that time, properties were shifting fast.
However, we went back to the UK midweek & went to an Atlas exhibition at the weekend &, seeing the SAME properties advertised, I complained they shouldn't be advertising them as they weren't available as we'd just returned from viewing properties with Iberian International. They said oh yes they were & rang Spain to confirm this. They said Iberian & Atlas were partners & told us Iberian had been causing Atlas many problems.
They confirmed that the properties we wanted to view were available to us .. by email .. & we sent it to Iberian. Their woman MD called us (at a pre arranged time) & we recorded the conversation. She actually said Iberian had cocked it up so could we return to Spain so they could show us the properties? We said we couldn't & asked her to reimburse us, she flatley refused!
Our expenses included our time off work, cattery for our cat, taxis to & from the UK airport, insurance not to mention Iberian's cost for airfare etc totalling quite a lot.
I said all above in my post 08 Feb 2008 6:19 PM .... JUST realised 
This message was last edited by morerosado on 14/06/2010.