Bank Guarantees for off plan purchases, according to Law which regulates them are a reasonably good mean of protection to your money. A different issue is that Banks are not very willing to pay first hand and show nonsensed excuses in order to... maybe... gain time? or discourage the claimer? and drive you to judicial affairs that take a long time in many occassions. Of course, interests play in your favour here.
If the developer is in difficult economic conditions, Banks are even more difficult to honour the Guarantee as they know their claim against the Bank might be a hard way to go.
Honestly, in my opinion, it is a matter of lack of regulation over the financial system and the excessive freedom Banks have been experienced. I think Bank of Spain should intervene more directly but they argument it is not a matter of their jurisdiction.
If you need to go to Courts for the execution of a Bank Guarantee or an Insurance Policy,the important things are:
- To have the original copy of the Bank Guarantee
-To prove the Judge there is no First Occupation license by the date of completion.
Best regards,