non resident bank charges

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10 Jul 2009 12:00 AM by jayney Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

I bank with La Caixa and in March was suddenly deducted 29 euros under the heading 'MAN.CT.AP.N-RES'. i have just been deducted the same amount in July with the same reason given. Is this a new non resident tax that everyone has to regularly pay now or is it just my bank pulling a fast one. It cannot be ordinary bank charges as they take those off each year annually as well.  As their online service is in Spanish i cannot easily query it with them and i forgot to ask when i was out there in June mainly because i had dismissed it as one off. Any ideas what it is all about ?


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10 Jul 2009 1:02 PM by Norm de Plume Star rating in North Tenerife and L.... 162 posts Send private message

I think you will find that this is for the certificate of non-residency now required annually to prevent "evasion of tax on income".  My income from my current account is less than one euro p.a.  My bank, Caja Canarias charges 9 euros.

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10 Jul 2009 1:08 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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Hi Jayney

It will definitely be for the non residency charge but this is only every two years  & paid by each person named on the account. We moved from Cambank who charged this to Halifax ES who don't.


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10 Jul 2009 1:27 PM by Norm de Plume Star rating in North Tenerife and L.... 162 posts Send private message

I pay it every year but am only charged per account (in joint namesa).

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10 Jul 2009 1:54 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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With Cambank we paid every TWO YEARS & it's now every TWO YEARS with Halifax. All seems very odd, Norm.


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31 May 2010 8:41 PM by tteedd Star rating in Hertfordshire & Punt.... 990 posts Send private message


We were with La Ciaxa for 6 years. Charges were just the sums for cards for nearly 5 of them then they toook nearly 200E from a virtually unused account in a year! (and also did not repay us an overcharge for insurance).

We moved to Halifax Hispania in February this year and were told it was just 25E pa. However Halifax have now started charging the no-resident fee (apparently the police charge them this for checking non doms).

Recently the European Court of Justice ECJ has ruled that all EU citizens have to be treated equally. Hence rulings on Capital Gains Tax, Income Tax and pensions dividend taxation which are now trated the same for non doms, doms and Spanish citizens. The principle therefore that we should not pay extra for being non-dom is established. I was told (by a customer of La ciaxa, when I was with La Ciaxa) that he got his charges returned by stating just this. But it did not matter how much I tried I could not get any of my charges (or overcharges) refunded.

Anyone have anymor info on this?


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31 May 2010 8:49 PM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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Amazing. I was JUST starting a search for this thread as I promised to check once back in Spain & tteedd's emailed notification pinged into my box!

I went into the Guardamar branch of the Banco Halifax today & the staff said they are now forced by the police to do this, it is NOT the Halifax's choice. So it is 12€ each person named on the a/c. They still are the cheapest. My friend & her OH bank with BankInter who have just charged them almost 24€ each for this as they charged before the police added this12€ on. What would I rather pay?


This message was last edited by morerosado on 31/05/2010.


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30 Jul 2010 9:35 AM by robmct Star rating in Edinburgh/London - .... 196 posts Send private message

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Im a Hlaifax customer in Marbella..  I ahve just been charges 18 euros for sending money into my account.

I called up and was told that its a NEW EU Law and all banks charge this, i said my other bank in Spain dont charge me a cent as i pay all charges from the bank i send money from, the lady just said Halifax charge this..

Charge :-


They told me, now all money coming in from outside Spain is charged as i

The charge to your account for 18€ is the fee for an International transfer, we charge 0.35% (minimum of 18€) unless the funds are going to a Halifax or Bank of Scotland account in which case it would be free.
I sent 300 euors and charge should have been just over a euro but they charge a min of 18,  its shocking, so they said send in large amounts in one go, just another bank charge to get money from any non resident, this means all pension payments transfers, bank transfers will be hit..






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15 Sep 2010 5:50 PM by Damatt Star rating in South Wales/Algorfa. 78 posts Send private message

There are a number of points been raised on this thread;

1. Bank charges for transfers UK - Spain

My understanding is that this came in early this year and some of the FX Companies had to charge it as they did not belong to some part of the FSA, though other who were members did not have to charge. The big boys do not make a charge or the incorporate it in their costs. The Company I use, do not charge any transfer fee no matter what bank I transfer to, though the exchage rate is normally about 0.03 below the advertised rate, but the amount I send every month does not add up to the amounts which are being quoted.

2. Non Residents charge.

I am a non resident, but I do pay tax in Spain due to being a second home owner who rents out a property, I also pay 17.50 euro for my son and myself as we are joint account holders, though as it stands at present, then I can claim that back from my UK tax bill as a cost as it is a business . The tax I am charged I do not consider to be too excessive so I don't complain.



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08 Mar 2011 2:23 PM by john p Star rating. 21 posts Send private message

 I have also been charged €29.5 each for me and my wife (joint account) by La Caixa, using precisely the same description as the previous posting on this thread.

I have been told that this is to be charged every 2 years as a certificate of non residency which the bank must send to the tax office to help them pursue tax from non residents.

I have requested a copy of the "certificate" but been told that I cannot have one as it is an automatic transfer, computer to computer, and the customer gets a charge but nothing else.

Is this to be assumed to be ok or is there any way to avoid this charge?

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08 Mar 2011 2:28 PM by Damatt Star rating in South Wales/Algorfa. 78 posts Send private message

Hi John,

I dont think you have an option. The only thing I see is that it is a way of making money, €29 for an automated process is a little on the high side. I also see that the cost varies depending on the Bank.


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10 May 2013 10:13 AM by abbybaker Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

A brand new report questions the transparency of banks. It says, in spite of claims of reform, lenders are still utilizing hidden charges to increase earnings.

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10 May 2013 10:37 AM by robmct Star rating in Edinburgh/London - .... 196 posts Send private message

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I stopped sending money to Halifax,  i send all to my Deuchtche bank account, no charges,  and then transfer to Halifax,  aka Lloyds bank now...  

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10 May 2013 1:46 PM by johnzx Star rating in Spain. 5242 posts Send private message


 Understand from my son’s bank (he has a  non-resident account) that  he must obtain a certificate form the National Police  every two years to prove his status.  His bank undertate to obtain the cert and he is charged a nominal amount.

We have negotiated with the manager that any amounts received for the account will carry a set charge of 30 cents.  We always make transfers in Euros.

The manager can vary what each customer is charged, so if one is not happy with the charges speak to the manager.

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16 Apr 2014 8:33 AM by plexx Star rating in Hertfordshire & Elvi.... 131 posts Send private message

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I had an account with Banco Halifax, that became Lloyds International and is now Sabadell. Does anyone know if Sabadell are competitive with their charges? If not, can you recommend an alternative?  I have just a current account and transfer money in from UK and France once each year. I also have four regular direct debits.

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16 Apr 2014 9:36 AM by morerosado Star rating. 6927 posts Send private message

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PM sent, plexx


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31 Oct 2014 10:37 PM by martynpaylor Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

Be aware that Sabadell charged the following for each named person on the account.

Fee 25E

VAT 5.25E

Non residents Authorisation Charge 6.82E

A total of 37.09Eeuos for each account holder.


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12 Mar 2015 5:06 PM by Bazzaman Star rating. 1 posts Send private message

I have just seen my latest bank statement from La Caixa and see that I have been charged 30 euros each for myself and wife (joint account) for the bi-annual non res certificate. This is an absolute rip off. Can anyone suggest a bank that does not make high charges and how easy is it to move banks ?

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12 Mar 2015 6:27 PM by bobaol Star rating. 2253 posts Send private message

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I think they all charge for this now. I understand Halifax didn't when they were around but no they've gone you're not left with much choice. It also seems a lottery on the charge. Anywhere from 20 to 40 euro seems the going rate.

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12 Mar 2015 8:00 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

La Caixa have been charging us this for years.



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