The Comments |
Well done. I like the ' if they can'
This message was last edited by myra cecilia on 21/07/2009.
Myra Cecilia.
So, Maria, maybe we should all print the form off & carry it with us then ? Maybe THAT'S why locals hoot at us when we do 38km/hr in a 40km/hr zone as they refuse to cough up a fine if they are aware they can't be fined until they go over 50 ! 
It's ok for you to suggest 'do not sign the fine, once it is notified to your home address ( if they can), you could then oppose it accordingly' but I'd prefer to hand them a piece of paper with ' I am a lawyer, don't even THINK of attempting to fine me or you will live to regret it !!'
Trying to oppose a fine will cause people untold upset, we see it everywhere on forums.
I have also just received a speeding fine and on the dgt website, but do not know what is the correct document number. Passport Number? National Insurance Number?
This is very frustrating.
Anyone got any ideas?
Hi Tad,
Do you have an NIE? - if so that number (without the leading X) is the document number. If no NIE then not sure that you can pay on line.
The fine letter has the "record number" on - ignore the commas, dashes, full stops etc.
Good luck, Ted
Yes, More. It is certainly a great idea to print it and have it with you. Regarding claims againsg fines... well, it is a metter of the correct technique, no big deal really.
Myra, Thanks for your kind words. I am sure you are already helping lots of people under these nightmares. Keep the good work up.
My keyboard is having fun with me today.
Maria L. de Castro, JD, MA
Hi all,
Another UK resident here trying to find out exactly how I'm supposed to pay this speeding fine? If the website can't process non Spain residents, and the letter does its best to disguise any other method of payment, how the bloody hell am I expected to pay!??
I'm happy to pay given the fact I obviously was speeding, but I've spent 2 weeks trying to do just that and got nowhere!
Are there any UK residents who've managed to do this? Would like to hear from you if so!
It has been 3 months since I have been trying to pay. I have contacted them stating that I am in UK, they told me they are going to send me an English version of the letter with their international Banking Account number so I will be able to transfer the money. After speaking with them I waited a month no letters nothing, then I contacted them again 6 weeks ago that I haven't received the letter, they apologised and said they are going to resend the letter. Still I am waiting for the letter!
I rang them yesterday for the 3rd time to tell them I haven't received the 2nd letter yet, but nobody picked up the phone. I hope I don't need to pay extra for this "delay"!
I am getting a bit annoyed now.
We had the same problem 18 months ago,even spoke to the British Embassy,and they couldnt help,in the end a friend who lives in Spain,paid it for us at Santander Bank,we emailed the fine and transfered the money.
The Embassy did say,as we had a property over there,we should pay,or risk the police waiting at the airport one day.
Thanks for the updates both of you.
I emailed a website called helpcentrespain last night and received a reply this morning. They're British but based in Spain, and they offered to pay the fine on my behalf if I scan the document over to them and send them the payment upfront. But... they charge a fee of 30 Euros, so bang goes my 30% discount for paying within the month...
I've also emailed Federico Fernandez (DGT Deputy Directo) as this was the only email address I could dig up on Google, to convey my annoyance about how I'm expected to pay when I'm given so little (i.e none) information about how to do so!
Not expecting any reply though!!
Hi - we have a property in Spain but are non resident. If I were unlucky enough to get a fine I would send the details to my solicitor/gestor and ask them to pay it for me. I wonder if this method would work? Worth a try maybe?
Hi tiffin,
no good for me i'm afraid - I was only there on my hols for 2 weeks, & don't have any Spanish contacts I can call on..
Hi there,
I would appreciate if anyone could help me with this- according to the letter I have received from Director General de Traffico (DGT) their contact number is - 902 508 686, even I spoke to them in this number. But last few days there is no response in this number, not even a ringing sound.
Could you please confirm this is the right number to speak to someone regarding the fine?
PS: I didn't find any contact address in dgt website
Unless you speak Spanish dont bother with the telephone,we tried and they dont speak any English.