OHHHHHHH bit scare mungering here,
I'm sure the spanish goverment is really worrid about this,
local tax and whelth tax and water rates bin collection rates, and the 6-8 weeks torisium money all comming for no input by them?
the new system that maybe comming in is a subsidty for spanish residents to purchace home that are now empty after 1 year, ok thats a good thing to give the homeless, its not a give away, its a max 20% assistance, so that person will need to pay 80% by way of deposit and or mortgage.
This is not a get at those who have empty 2nd homes, its a way of getting money through to builders and moving the massive amount of empty unowned properties off the market, and get the building industry working, as 40% of the employment in spain is in the construction industry,
And another 20% of the employment is concerned with torisum or support for all those none spanish poeple that this scare mungering is aimed at?