Demonstration in Almeria City

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02 Jan 2010 12:00 AM by lenox Star rating in Mojácar. 39 posts Send private message

Eight householders were informed over Christmas that their homes, scattered around in various parts of Albox, are to be demolished. Another home in Vera, near to the Priors (whose house was knocked down two years ago - with no compensation for the family who have lived ever since in their garage) is to go on January 12th. Noon!

There are literally tens of thousands of 'viviendas ilegales' in Andalucía - all built, marketed, promoted and sold without any trouble, by 3,000 euro SL companies, and now suddenly the Junta de Andalucía means 'business'.

Why don't they want to demolish bank-held empty apartments... or the Hotel Algarrobico on the coast in Carboneras? Why is there no protection, advice, rule of law or compensation?

There's a demonstration in Almería City on Monday January 11th at 12 noon. It's organised by the AUAN property owners association of Eastern Almería. Let's stop this madness which is - if for no other reason - losing Almería thousands of sales, millions of euros in investment from abroad and an incalculable number of jobs.

Spanish Shilling dot blogspot dot com lenoxnapier dot blogspot dot com

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03 Jan 2010 11:12 AM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

Hi Lenox

It is absolutely crazy what is going on.  Every time they do this it's another nail in the coffin of what's left of the Spanish property market and they are ruining innocent peoples lives.

I saw a copy of the demolition order for the other house in Vera.  It was quite shocking to read and I can't imagine what the owners of the house there must be going through knowing they are just days away of having their home bulldozed down.

I hope there is a good turnout for the march on the 11th.  I have posted more details about this here.

We had a great turnout last year, I hope it can be repeated again and lets really hope that something positive does come out of it.  We all need it.

Keep up the good work.



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03 Jan 2010 7:59 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

Every time I think of the ordeal these people are going through my stomach churns and I feel sick,  it seems it could happen to any of us even those who have been in Spain for years and feel safe.

Good luck with the protest and to everyone trying to make some sense of it all. Would attend myself but regret wont be in Spain on that date. I have written to 6 MEP's.

I wish really bad things on all the people who make and enforce these decisions and the authorities and politicians who wont do anything about it.




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08 Jan 2010 6:53 PM by sandra Star rating in . 812 posts Send private message

sandra´s avatar


An internet campaign to save the Albox 8 has been started

If you are on facebook,  sign onto the campaign  using this link







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08 Jan 2010 7:05 PM by Marksfish Star rating in Vera, Almeria. 2624 posts Send private message

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We fly back on the 10th, so can't go, but have joined the Facebook campaign (as has our solicitor in Aguilas), and signed the petition for #10 but I think that may be a white elephant considering how much notice the Government took of Suzanne's excellent petition.

Have seen a link on another forum about the Mayor of Vera now being investigated for corruption, along with Key Mare, one of the bigger builders and a company we bought our property through!!


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09 Jan 2010 12:25 AM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

There is also an on-line No10 petition



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09 Jan 2010 1:38 PM by tech Star rating in Maidstone/Turre when.... 83 posts Send private message

When I was over for Christmas I met people who were told that their properties could be demolished and were waiting for the outcome of the court hearings. What I havn't heard or read is how many Spanish people are affected by these ilegal builds? Is it only foriegners that are caught in these traps or are locals also vunerable? Surely somewhere along the line, the European Court of Human Rights should be involved to help put a stop to this unaceptable behaviour by corrupt Spanish officials.

I really feel for those that have been, through no fault of their own, caught in this mess. Although I feel safe with my purchase who knows what can happen a few years down the line.

Yes they are quick to demolish properties owned by idividuals but why is there still no outcome on the Hotel Algarrobico, is it because so much money is involved?



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11 Jan 2010 10:48 PM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message

12 Jan 2010 3:30 AM by lenox Star rating in Mojácar. 39 posts Send private message

There was around 750 - 1000 people there. I've written it up - with all the press links I've found so far - at

Spanish Shilling dot blogspot dot com lenoxnapier dot blogspot dot com

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12 Jan 2010 9:37 AM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

Thanks for updates.

Lenox, what is happening today regarding the other house which was to be demolished today.  Is that still going ahead?



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12 Jan 2010 10:09 AM by lenox Star rating in Mojácar. 39 posts Send private message

The other house - the one in Vera - has got a 'stay of execution' from the lawyers.

Spanish Shilling dot blogspot dot com lenoxnapier dot blogspot dot com

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12 Jan 2010 1:29 PM by EOS Team Star rating in In Spain of course!. 4015 posts Send private message

EOS Team´s avatar

Well that's something positive.

Will keep checking your blog for updates.



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13 Jan 2010 7:39 PM by Bruce Jackson Star rating. 16 posts Send private message

What needs to be done is the World being informed as to these absolute abuses to ordinary people who have done everything right and seen their homes ripped into rubble.

The corrupt town hall staff, lawyers and greedy agents who have had their cut have got away .

These people should be made to take the can and the consequences.

The Corrupt Town Halls, The so called Lawyers and Estate Agents.. This triad should be made to pay.. not the innocent home owner.

Till this happens .. The rest of Europe and the World should sit up and take Heed..

Spain is Not a  safe place to invest in Bricks and Mortar.



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14 Jan 2010 1:23 AM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Time for the EU to step in and apply some form of financial sanction on Spain, perhaps then the powers that be will take note?

Where do human rights come into play in this so called civilised society? Perhaps when this is broadcast loud and clear by as many as possible the powers that be will take note?

We need to keep repeating the message that Spain is not a safe place to invest so long as abuses of this nature are allowed to continue, How people continue to turn a blind eye to the legal fiasco going on in Spain right now is beyond me. Doesn't everyone realise that it benefits no-one in the long run to shove this under the carpet in the hope that it will go away. The movement for accountability requires as much support as possible from all quarters of society if Spain is ever to regain credibility.

Just how bad do things have to get before the powers that be take note..............



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14 Jan 2010 10:15 AM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 posts Send private message


I feel that as long as the majority of people in Spain,  Spanish and ex-pats continue to ignore what's going on, then the Spanish government and the EU will probably not take action?  There is strong body of denial, who feel that by shouting loud about this we are doing more harm than good because we are putting off potential buyers, or putting Spain down!  Many threads on this site alone are only too keen to shout about the benefits of Spain, but when some of us have reminded people that this abuse of human rights is going on under our nose, we are often accused of being 'doom mongers' or speaking out of place on a so called non- related thread.  As far as I am concerned until this dreadful abuse is stopped, then there is no Spanish thread that is not related!!  Peoples lives are being ruined, and this needs to be addressed NOW, and until it is then anything positive about Spain is just hiding ugly truths. The irony to me is that those who do nothing or criticise those who are, are by nature doing more harm to the country they love than any of us protesting, because their attitude will not bring change to the corruption, justice, regulation  etc. that will drag Spain out of it's current mess by doing the right thing by the very people who have invested so much money and trust in the country.

I'm all for being positive when the time is right, and I realise that every thread doesn't want to be 'doom and gloom' , but unless there is a health warning at the start of every thread, then positive threads will contue to look like they are 'bigging up' 10%, while ignoring the big picture.  We need action on a huge scale that the Spanish government and the EU can't ignore. It seems obvious that Spain will not do the right thing on its own, and needs a bloody big push!!

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14 Jan 2010 10:31 AM by xetog Star rating in Wiltshire/holiday ap.... 514 posts Send private message

I have the greatest sumpathy by those affected by Spanish corrupt practices.  However, what everyone seems to miss is that the EU is the most corrupt organisation of them all.  Their only interest is in extracting money from those prepared to pay for French agricultural systems and paying themselves ever more in terms of bloated salary and bonuses, no matter what the state of individual economies.  Countries (like Spain) who choose to ignore the diktats they don't like, or don't perceive to be to their advantage are just ignored, whilst the terminally stupid (mainly UK) enact and enforce every tiny gem, no matter how flawed, that flows from the obese EU.  Why do others get away with it when we beat ourselves with our own stick?  In the past, I have written to all our local MP's and MEP's only to be told that this is an issue for Spain and that they can't (won't?) interfere and anyway, if the EU come ban a particular local law, you can just change it a little to have the same effect and the EU is happy to let you continue i.e. Valencia "Land Grab") All Governments are corrupt (see recent UK events) but unless the majority of its citizens hold them to account we will all just sink into the mire.

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14 Jan 2010 10:39 AM by Bruce Jackson Star rating. 16 posts Send private message

I did say this triad but failed to mention the Dodgy Builders who have had the lion share and done a houdini.

All four bodies The  Corrupt Town Halls, The Builders, The Lawyers and The Estate Agents should be made to repay in full and with interest all the money that has been invested and now lost by the INNOCENT Home Owner.

This bunch of FOUR should be made to pay back every cent.. Until that happens the credibilty of the Spanish System is in serious Tatters.

Spain needs a Kick up the backside, why are'nt they being investigated for their rough justice ?

Do Not Buy in this Corrupt Country which has no respect for civilized behaviour

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14 Jan 2010 10:46 AM by Poppyseed Star rating. 895 posts Send private message



You are completely right.  This idea of being 'positive' and ignoring or denying problems seems to be endemic these days. I have been a civil servant for more years than I care to remember and now when things go wrong, or when those of us who know better (!) predict a new idea will fail  (and are  usually right) we are considered pessimists or not wanting to 'move forward'. I have seen complete failures spun into success stories that beggars belief and complete denial that it's a shambles, and this is usually to protect fools and their jobs!. Likewise on our urb where there are so many problems and faults those of us who speak out and try to bring about change are called troublemakers because we are talking the place and it's reputation down and so the problems continue and the place falls into more disrepair with questionable management. And so it is with the property abuses in Spain which are obviously on a much bigger scale, but there will still be people who would rather ignore  the  truth that Spain is a fairweather friend, great when the sun shines and things are going OK, but once the chips are down it can be a living hell as so many people are now finding.  All credit to those fighting for change and willing to put themselves on the line for it, they deserve our full and inconditional support.



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14 Jan 2010 3:13 PM by J.P.R. Star rating. 76 posts Send private message

Todays Daily Express has virtually two pages devoted to this situation which may give welcome extra publicity.

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14 Jan 2010 3:38 PM by ads Star rating. 4129 posts Send private message

Please urge everyone that has been affected by the Spanish Property Scandal to sign Suzie's petition, the more that do so the better.

Everyone affected needs to stay focused and it's essential to keep applying pressure via the EU. Unfortunately those affected can't afford to be sidetracked by other issues within the EU which require attention. Only by standing firm and united will change ever be effected. Accountability is all in this scenario, so the more that come on board and support the action for compensation and change the better.

Re compensation, the petition appears to be calling for the following:

We request that a special Fund be established, taken from EU funding to Spain, to facilitate the Rights of the victims of these scandalous abuses.

A summary from Suzie's petition reads as follows:

The Auken Report can be read in full here:  

MEPs adopted the report with 349 votes in favour, 110 against and 114 abstentions. The EU Press Release following the voting of the Auken Report can be read here:

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