How do I find out about membership of the legal action group for corvera

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01 Jan 2010 12:00 AM by 11maple Star rating. 9 posts Send private message

We bought nearly three years ago, Menta phase 3 which the building licence has not yet been granted(if ever). We are not getting any younger and feel disappointed that this has not been the picture as painted back in 2007. With the current climate and not communication at all from Corvera, we now wonder what we should be doing. Can anyone give us information or contact us as to what is happenign with the legal action group.



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01 Jan 2010 1:35 PM by SteveandJane Star rating in Somerset and Corvera.... 481 posts Send private message

SteveandJane´s avatar

Hi 11Maple

suggest you go onto the Corvera forum.

Highlight community, select find your community, find and select Corvera.

Once on there find the action group thread and leave a message for Ashish or a pm (private message) if you can. Ashish is one of the most knowledgable members of the group and I am sure you will get some help.

Best Regards


 Steve (Lifestyler)

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