The Comments |
When I first used EOS for help on moving to Spain I recieved the following PM from Brian Rowlands;
Eye on Spain member, rowlandsbb, has sent you the following message:
You have to first make a definate decision that you want to move Then the area Almeria between Aguilas and Mojacar may be best for you and a little inland [25mins] you can get a nice 2 bed detached for circa 191.900? inc IVA 2 bed flats start at circa 123.000 ? In most cases yopu need 30 % deposit and mortgages are now very good and like UK in Spain If you have no funds to pay a deposit before you sell your house then there is not much you can do right now except decide on area But you may be able to raise a deposit by equity release pending the sale of your house I have bought in Almeria and the people I deal with are very professional and good If you want full details e-mail me rowlandsbb@aol or tel 0777 557 8230 Part of Costa Blanca South and Calida are also very nice and if you pick your location it can be half Spanish half northern european eg San Miguel where you can get an apartment from 105.000 ? inc IVA Brian
Trying to appear helpful but then in further correspondance came the "buy a new devolpment or off-plan" from me bit, I represent Homefirst Properties, our brochure is attached!
I'm sure most of you can guess the patter;
I'm more interested in resale.
No probs, we have those also but what about these new devolpments, 10 year structural guarantees blah, blah, when are you coming over, blah, blah.
He claims to have "BSc FRICS" after his name.
I really do feel sorry for the genuine agents operating in Spain because of my albeit limited experiences, I treat the lot of you with contempt and suspicion.
This message was last edited by JeansSis on 4/17/2007.
I did reply to Stephen and was 'only 'able to send him details after he contacted me by e-mail
Sent him a new e-mail wishing him luck in finding a suitable re sale property at the right price and without any problems
Qualifications are correct and can be checked
All advice professional
Brian Rowlands BSc FRICS
I also received an approach from this person. It was a polite introductory pm asking me to make contact if I was still looking to buy a property in Spain. I ignored it as it was unsolicited, and I have never used EOS to look for a property - I already have 2. EOS give me much more advice and information than any agent. I did not appreciate the use of pm to canvass business, but thought it could have been a mistake. Maybe I was wrong.
Pleased that you found the approach polite as intended
As I understand there are 'no commercial Posts' but PM's are confidential and do not have to be replied to
If someone invites or request information in a Post then as I understand the situation a polite approach via a PM offering professional advice is appropriate
In modern terms it is probably like your local Chartered Surveyor Estate Agent putting a leaflet through your letter box inviting you to use them to sell your house or buy one from them
Then the choice is yours!
My Forum Details do state that I am a Chartered Surveyor
Hi Brian,
I agree with your understanding of the terms of posting and use of PM's here on EOS.
However, using the PM facility purely to advertise anything one might be selling is, I don't think, acceptable.
Shortly the site owner, Justin, is introducing a way that members can prevent this type of PM reaching them.
You time may be limited................
I for one could push my own product via PM's but have never done so.
I truly think that to do that is infringing on people's choices.
As for the leaflets coming through my door, they all go straight into the recycling bin without being read.
Outlook too has a recycle bin.

One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
This message was last edited by JeansSis on 5/17/2007.
Think the operative statement here is if someone requests the information in a post - presumably ******** did not request any sales information in their post as they own 2 in Spain already so why did they receive the unsolicited mailing. Have to say that I have never blanket PM'd to anyone and I have to assume that neither has Brian as I ahve not received anything from him. Frankly I think the PM facility unwieldy and not overly user friendly for a techno DODO like me so whether it is right or wrong (and I am of the latter opinion) I think anyone who does it must have the patience of a saint to bother!
Smiley -
Yeah plus with a snout the size of mine reaching the keyboard can be a problem - if its after dinner and I have a bit of wildebeest stuck between my teeth that drapes all over the keys the type comes out like kjdjsdhvcjshgcshcgjshcgsvdgjkdjvhhdkjvhdkvj hkdjvhhdvhdhdfhvdvfhvgdjjckdhifh as well so can cause a problem. Just me I guess but with that small box and my failing eyesight at 1 or 2 in the morning and having to be logged in to send the message I just find it a pain in my prematurely shortened tail!
Smiley -
This message was last edited by JeansSis on 5/17/2007.
The response sums it all up!!!
Fibbyuk says I should not use PM to send a marketing message
But FibbyUk advertises his web site on his Post with a direct link
Commercial Post not allowed Fibbyuk!!!
Smiley advertises his e-mail address...same applies to Smiley
I play by the rules of EOS and RICS code of conduct so if any EOS members do buy in Spain via me they can have the confidence that there is at least one agent who is a the true sense of the word
As they say'all advertising is good advertising'
So thanks everyone for the 'public' exposure
Brian Rowlands BSc FRICS
This message was last edited by rowlandsbb on 4/17/2007.This message was last edited by rowlandsbb on 4/17/2007.
This message was last edited by JeansSis on 5/17/2007.
Actually, it is permitted to put a link to your business/company in your signature. That gives anyone the option of going there, if they want to.
This message was last edited by JeansSis on 5/17/2007.
At the top of every thread on EOS, is this:
Please adhere to the following terms for posting:
- No commercial posts.
- No links to any websites which are just another similar forum (please don't use these boards to promote your own forum)!
- For security reasons we suggest that you do not post your email address and use the private message facility instead.
Therefore, under the terms of posting rowlandsbb members are allowed to include a link to their website, providing that link is NOT to another forum similar to this one.
Mine and Smiley's, plus others whose you may not have spotted yet, are NOT links to forums.
As for you getting free & cheap publicity, you have just confirmed the reason you are on this forum!
However, I fear the tone of your posts will not adhere you to any prospective customers via this forum.
I suggest you try elsewhere............
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
I have always stated that I am happy for people to link to their own business in the signature. People will only click the link if they are interested in knowing more about someone's business. The reason for this is so that people don't use and junk up the actual posts to promote their services.
We do however, take private message spam very seriously and if we receive complaints we do disable the function for the "spammer" so that they can no longer send private messages.
rowlandsbb, although you are a professional chartered surveyor I don't think you have done yourself any favours with the way you have come across here and they way that you have been sending unsolicited private messages to other members, particularly as you are having a dig at our most popular and respected members!
Schools in Spain Guide | The Expat Files | Learn Spanish | Earn a living in Spain
I have received two direct PM´s sort of requesting my services from people from the EOS forum and I politely told them to request my phone number from Justin as my intention when visiting the forum is not to look for commercial oportunities....
In any case, if Brian ´s "try" was polite, with his signature and contact details, I see no reason not to "bin it" if not interested... so perhaps it was in the verge of, but not doing anything prohibited.
But yes, I think that the forum is the forum and as such it should stay..... otherwise it would become a market place.
Sorry I am not participating so much lately, but I am undergoing some personal dire straits and can do not much more than read the papers, talk to my partner and just crash.
_______________________ "I knew a lad that went to sea and left the shore behind him, I kne...
Juan, I think the whole point of this thread was the fact that certain persons received "unsolicited" mail from someone, regarding their services. If someone contacts you and asks for your advice, that's another matter (but then, if you offer advice on your posts you will be opening yourself up to people enquiring privately about your services, me thinks!). I have received a PM from someone on EOS looking for business and directed my concern to Justin - even though it was a very polite enquiry, it was not solicited by me.
One shouldn't have to take time binning email we haven't asked to receive (personally, I must trash over 100 emails per day - not from EOS members though!!!). We don't want to receive mail about services we haven't enquired about, basically.
Having a link in your signature is great, because those who want to can then enquire more of your products/services. Beats emptying the trash can all the time!!
Do hope your personal dire straits straighten themselves out soon and that you and yours remain healthy and happy!!