The Comments |
HI Pitby,
Unwanted mail is a pain, I have to erase dozens every day of God and all they are are offers of medicine, viagra, university diplomas and credit cards....
Sometimes I wonder if some very old former girlfriend ( tied since more than ten years now) complained on the net that I was : A sick: ergo the medicines.... Impotent !: thus the ignorant !: thus the university thing... and PENILESS.... so the credit cards.....
Unfortunately I am now receiving also offers for "penis enlargement"........ has somebody tried those services? Was it another complaint? 
_______________________ "I knew a lad that went to sea and left the shore behind him, I kne...
Hola Juan,
I'm considering the P**** extension, I'm going to finance it with the $6,000,000 Mr Umbongo from Nigeria has promised to share with me, Then I'm off to parador properties to buy a couple of Off Plan homes guaranteed to give me a massive rental return. Havn't decided what to do with the rst of the loot!
Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres.
LOL guys!! Great stuff!!
Can't really respond to that, save for if Mr Umbongo is distributing this way, let me know!! Although I think I may have already heard from him!!
Funny enough, that sort of Nigerian Scam is starting to go over the net pretending that they are "Maite Zaldivar" or somebody famous for the "Malaya" case and tell you they need your help to "release" some funds !!! a Picasso painting or a private jet ( I would love this item)...
Aw my God, Scammers are either becoming more stupid or they are targeting some market?
Poor old people responding to these e-mails.....
_______________________ "I knew a lad that went to sea and left the shore behind him, I kne...
Hi Juan
Nice to see you back, I hope your trip to Madrid went well.
Personal crisis?
E-mail me, I am a good listener and respect you have personal probs at the mo.............
my kindest regards as always,
p.s. I know nothing about your p*ni*, or it's possible "reconstruction", but if you add a pic, we can let you know if you have a problem in that department!!! joke joke!!!!!!
No response to this please, seriously joking!!!!!
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
The post in question was my first on this forum, when I recieved the email from Brian Rowlands, being new and unfamilar with this forum I thought it may have been an automated mail to make sure you didn't miss any replies.
As already mentioned it was polite and appeared helpful, it was from Brian Rowlands (full stop). After repling to it, I noticed it was not a copy of a reply on the forum, it was a PM.
So I had foolishly taken the bait, then came the mails from "Brian Rowlands BSc FRICS Representing Homelife Properties Tel ***** ****** Mob ************** Please find our brochure attached"
By this stage, I'd caught on what was happening and replied equally as politely, that I was not interested, which didn't work, so then slightly less politely.
Now hopefully that can be the end of the matter and everyone can be friends again.
Hi Stephen,
I bet you thought you had made a faux pas, being this was your first post on the forum!
You didn't, you were quite correct to bring this to the attention of us as members and Justin as the site owner.
Of course we are all friends, we do have the odd spat here and there, but it's all taken with a pinch of sal (salt!)
Look forward to seeing more of you on EOS
Kind regards,
One off fee to pay your own La Renta tax (210 Form)
Check out my website:
This message was last edited by JeansSis on 5/17/2007.
There are a great many of us here to first offer assistance and advice to people buying in Spain not to simply advertise our wares - if you bothered to spend any time looking through the countless threads you would soon discover that we offer information about a plethora of things from education to driving, furniture etc - notwithstanding that fact we also do not abuse the PM facility by unscolicited mailshots - I think Mr Rowlands that most people who catch sight of your threads will quickly understand your SOLE motive for being here is to exploit the site for your own personal gain. In fact in my previous`post I did try and defend you by stating that you clearly hadnt blanket PMd everyone on the site as I had not received anything from you and you chose to dig at me for including my e mail address in my signature as a commercial post - try putting others before yourself and you may find it of benefit although I rather suspect that on this site your copybook has already been blotted. This message was last edited by Smiley on 4/23/2007.
Smiley -