Wow, i knew i hadn't blogged in a while but i never thought it was 15 months ago!
I'm sorry i've been absent and i hope to make it more regular now... This feels quite daunting as alot has happened in this time and it might make my brain hurt trying to remember everything!
It's probably best to start by stating that all is good, we are still in gorgeous Andalucia and still loving it! Even though while i am writing this it is pouring with rain and it hasnt stopped since yesterday but we so need it, it's been a very dry year!
So here we go i'm going to try and summarise our life since October 2019 but it will be in installments.
I think the easiest way for me to remember is to look back through my Instagram, which by the way is @dannidoes if anyone wants to keep uptodate on our adventures.
Making the most of the fabulous weather for All Saints Day 2019 (1st Nov) we took a trip to one of our favourite local beaches Burriana playa, it was a incredible 28 degrees and we all enjoyed relaxing and trying to spot the odd dolphin. Burriana is part of Nerja and has a nice choice of restaurants and shops including a very famous Paella restaurant 'Ayo' where for 8 euro you can eat as much as you want 
Burriana Playa
They have three huge paella pans where many people will stop and watch them create this wonderful dish with wood fire underneath. A great atmosphere for a yummy sunday afternoon lunch. The other great thing about Burriana is the sea, it has the most beautiful turquoise water and if you take a kayak around to Maro you will find a hidden waterfall full of marine life. As you can imagine a very popular place with limited parking best visitied out of peak season.
The remainder of the month was spent riding bikes around the lake (lake vinuela), writing christmas lists, dog walking, a school trip to the Science Park in Granada which Chloe enjoyed and at the end a trip to el Corte Ingles for Christmas inspiration. The shop was decorated beautifully and i added to our Christmas bauble collection 
Lake Vineula
I almost forgot November also included 'Ruta de Tapa' where local bars and restaurants compete to win the best tapa award. You are given a leaflet with all the bars and their tapa. The cost is 2 euro for a drink (beer) and a tapa once eaten you must score it out of a 5. You have 3 days to go to every bar and give your score. This was our first and we loved it! Our favourite was created by Manolo at Meson El Ciervo and it was a slow cooked deer on a mushroom with cheese and a little rice with a gravy. Delicioso!!!! Needless to say they won the competition and the prize is your weight in beer!
Among other things. We cannot wait for the next one, most villages also do their own so we will be have to go along to theirs too and show our support 
December arrived and its funny because December starts to feel like a second spring, we have the odd day of rain and lots of wild flowers appear and what was brown is now green with grass, its quite hard to get your head around.
As there is no october half term in Spain the 2 day bank holiday at the beginning of December is most welcome! Time to relax and not think about school or homework!
Next was Olivia's 12th birthday and this year we went to the Escape rooms in Benalmadena 'Prison Island' she took 2 friends and they were 1 team and Paul, Chloe and 1 were on another. We had a great time, great physical and mental exercise and all came out ravenous. Another beautiful sunny day, so we headed to the large park with a playground, birds and a lake (i can't remember the name!) It was alot of fun and only a hours drive away.

The following day we put up the tree and awaited the arrival of the g'parents for Olivia's actual birthday on the 12th. They had a great week here and were blessed with good weather. Finished off with a trip to our favourite Steak place Venta el Charco, fantastic steak and trimmings with wonderful views of La Maroma 

After Olivia's birthday its always full steam ahead into Christmas, with many school shows and nativities. Alcaucin puts on a lovely Nativity with a donkey and all the characters including a bull - well it is Spain! And of course the girls had to have a little donkey ride!

Just before Christmas we headed to Malaga for the annual Christmas light and music show in Calle Larios. It's becoming a bit of a tradition now. This year we went with some friends and enjoyed a cocktail on the roof top bar over looking the port, this was a real treat if you could find a seat 

Christmas day was fab, we ate outside and made the most of the weather.

Boxing day we got out and had a lovely walk around Lake Vinuela, Ted especially enjoyed this with a play in the water! Chloe and i even got our feet wet too! A good walk finished off with turkey and stuffing sandwiches, heaven!

A great way to say goodbye to our home as we would then be flying back to the UK for a few days to see family and friends