Everyday's a School day
Thursday, June 14, 2018 @ 3:15 PM
I never thought that moving to Spain would contain so many different components and a never ending amount of research. Just this week i have been learning how many cardboard boxes you can fit in to a 15 cubic metre long wheel base van, the answer is 120 boxes of 50cm2 in case anyone wanted to know.
Cats and Dogs only need a Microchip and a Rabies vaccine to travel to Spain.
How to purchase a car.
You can renew your UK Passport whilst in Spain through the GOV.UK website.
You must change your driving licence within 2 years of living in Spain. I was hoping to chill out in Spain for a little while but is this just a dream......
All of the above learning is going on while i carry on with my job, help out at the local school and all the other jobs a mum has to do. I must say i am feeling tired today, i'm putting my feet up while i write this. This morning was a big deal for our town as the Ovo Women's Cycle
Tour latest stage started here. I rushed over to the start just in time and the excitement was fabulous. The speed that these ladies go and how close they are to one another is truly amazing. The highlights are on TV tonight i will have to watch and see how they got on. Fingers crossed they didn't catch me whooping as they began their long race! Apologies again for the wrongly rotated and wind swept photo i assume these blogs don't like portrait photos?
Another thing i must figure out is Google Adsense if any fellow bloggers have insights to the URL they used please get in touch.
Until next time......