Update on Lily and her puppies
Wednesday, April 29, 2015 @ 8:26 PM
Continuing on from this post http://www.eyeonspain.com/blogs/angiemccreadysmadhouse/14689/life-goes-on-as-manic-as-ever-at-casa-mccready.aspx
There is wonderful news! Lily, these puppies mum, has been offered her furever home with a lady who has already adopted a dog through Actin.

Lily's five puppies all need loving homes, if you can offer one please contact Angie who can put things in motion. They are just over five weeks old now but can't leave Spain till they're four months old, due to law restrictions. Angie will explain.
Email her on angie_mccready@hotmail.com

Angie has taken lots of videos of the puppies, they're certainly cuties!
Below: Pups are thriving
Below: Pups eyes are opening
Below: Started weaning the pups
Below: Meet Tony, Rye, Ollie, Autumn & Marie
Below: Lily's pups are 4 weeks old today
Below: Little darlings
Donations are needed for Angie to care for these.
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