These puppies are Lily's puppies & need homes. Angie is in the Alicante area.
Autumn is one of Lily's puppies and is looking for a home to call her own too. She is extremely loving and gentle and so affectionate Autumn will be 9 weeks old on Sunday. She has had 2 vaccinations, wormed, and can travel out of Spain when she is 4 months old.

Please contact Angie on
If anyone can help with a donation towards vets bills & food for the dogs Angie has currently in her care please PayPal her on
Angie has just taken on a pregnant dog, Honey, who had her five pups at Angie's yesterday, she needs funding to care for these, please help her. I'll post about Honey & her pups as soon as I can, check out Angie's FB page for now.
Fb page here