Note from the editor: Welcome to a new issue of the Canabal Chronicle, a light-hearted take on life in Canabal: a rural village in the province of Lugo, Galicia, Spain.

Watch out, there’s a thief about. Authorities have warned local residents to be on the lookout for an opportunist thief preying on unprotected properties. Earlier in the week, a local bird by the name of Jay was questioned about the crimes but later released without charge. The night-time stalker seems particularly partial to ripening tomatoes. One local resident commented “mira, mira!” (look, look!).

Villagers reacted quickly, sending out search parties to find the culprit but efforts have so far proved fruitless.
With the offender still at large, vigilantes are taking matters into their own hands. Terry the Terrier (a reference to his sporting elegancies to newly promoted Huddersfield Town FC) was one of the first to volunteer. As the sun sets over Canabal a chorus of “Come and have a go if you think you’re hard enough” echoes over the surrounding countryside.
Hopes were briefly raised when Terry apprehended a suspect. The accused is known locally as Harry the Hedgehog but immediately pleaded his innocence, “I don’t like tomatoes” he said. After a thorough investigation he was later released without charge. Apparently, hedgehogs don’t like tomatoes.
Authorities were quick to issue a statement telling villagers “Don’t have nightmares. Do sleep well.”
A New Arrival. In happier news, earlier in the week local residents Craig and Melanie Briggs became proud parents thanks to the generosity of their neighbour Pepe. The new delivery weighed 13lbs 5oz on arrival and was christened Calabacin by the lucky couple.

To thank Pepe for his generosity, Melanie set to work baking. She started with Pan de Calabacin (Zucchini bread) and finished off with courgette and carrot muffins.

Pepe was surprised and delighted to receive his gifts.
Later that day, Craig put his culinary skills to the test, bringing a whole new meaning to the “Happy Meal”.

Terry Touts for Tenner’s. As well as becoming a night-watchman and big game hunter, Terry has been out and about in Santiago de Compostela, Spain’s second most visited tourist sight.
People were delighted to see him at this historic venue and huge crowds quickly gathered.
Given his Yorkshire heritage, Terry made full use of his opportunity charging adoring fans a tenner for autographs. It wasn’t long before a snaking queue formed eager to take advantage of Terry’s generosity.
Doorstep Delivery. Local dairy farm Casa da Fonte goes from strength to strength. Owner Xosé (José) has recently invested in a mobile milking parlour to keep the business moving forward.

Not only do local residents get a doorstep delivery but so too his herd of cows. In the middle of summer when good pasture is at a premium, the mobile parlour allows him to graze the herd in fields that would otherwise be impractical due to their distance from the farm. Keep up the good work Xosé.

This issue of the Canabal Chronicle was brought to you by Craig Briggs, author of The Journey series of books.

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To purchase copies of my books, click these titles:
Journey To A Dream - Beyond Imagination - Endless Possibilities
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Craig and Melanie also own and operate a luxury farmhouse rental property called Campo Verde. To find out more about a stay at Campo Verde and Galicia in general, visit their website getaway-galicia