Note from the editor: Welcome to the latest edition of the Canabal Chronicle, a light-hearted take on life in Canabal: a rural village in the province of Lugo, Galicia, Spain. In this week’s issue, we prove unequivocally that politicians really can make a positive difference to our daily lives and much, much more.

Spud hunting is a favourite family pastime here in Canabal – What a great way to start the day! Personally, I prefer a mug of strong coffee and a bowl of cornflakes.
Canabal Prepares for Revolution

Earlier in the week, local residents took to the street in preparation for the sixtieth anniversary of the Canabal annual trolley dash. “Just one leaf can reduce a competitor’s time by several hundredths of a second” said local resident Pilar, as she swept clean a large section of Station Street.
Later in the day, our eagle-eyed photographer caught two of this year’s favourites going through their paces.

Bookies have Mari Carmen (pictured on the right) as clear favourite. Over the last few years the single wheel design has proved very successful winning nine of the last ten races. However, some locals argue that there’s no substitute for experience. If that’s true, Julia (pictured on the left) could be the dark horse in the field. Despite needing a walking stick, she believes she’s in with a chance.
The deciding factor could boil down to the distance. Originally, the race was run over twenty-three furlongs and included a tricky off-road section. This year’s event is a fifty-metre sprint from one end of Station Street to the other, a reflection on the number of contestants and their average ages.
Political Persuasion
Is it time to stop whining about politicians?
Local mayor, Luís Fernández Guitián has dedicated his working life to public service. He works tirelessly to promote the region to worldwide tourists and locals alike. His latest idea, Tunel de Viño (Wine Tunnel) proved very popular and showed beyond doubt that politicians can make a difference to our daily lives.
We caught up with Luis in the local bar and asked “What exactly is the Tunel de Viño?”
“Aha,” he replied, with a glint in his eye, “It’s a new fiesta. Entry into the tunnel will cost €2.50. That will buy you a beautifully embossed glass and allow you to sample fifty local wines from the Ribeira Sacra.” Understandably, our roving reporter was lost for words, “But not all of them,” he joked.
Word of this inaugural event spread quickly through the newsroom. Many were sceptical although request to cover the event were unanimous.

The tunnel turned out to be a marquee, erected in the main square. Everything else was exactly as Luís had described. Needless to say, the event was a major success. Unfortunately, time got the better of me and although I wasn’t able to sample all the wines, my personal favourite was Régoa, a 2014 oak aged red – delicious.

Later that evening the 23rd Feria da Rosca got underway. This fiesta celebrates the production of Roscas a traditional sweet cake.

Once again Luis was on hand to make sure everyone had a slice of cake and more importantly a tot of licor café (traditional coffee liqueur made from the local firewater).

Local man Ignacio gave the event the thumbs up. Martin and Barbara’s thoughts were a little less clear.

It’s Just Sour Grapes
Authorities have once again warned villagers to be on the lookout for an opportunist thief. Inspector Slawit is under pressure from the flying squad to catch the perpetrator who is terrorising local producers. In her latest attempts to apprehend those responsible, she’s resorted to searching the sewers.

It hasn’t helped the investigation with the apparent changing tastes of the robbers from tomatoes to grapes.
This before and after photo highlights the extent of their ruthless behaviour. Anyone with information should contact Inspector Slawit via the Canabal Chronicle newsroom.

And Finally.
Canabal’s entry into this year’s Paint Your Wagon competition got its first outing this weekend. Local schoolkids have been working on the project since last September, “If there were more than three of us we’d have had it done ages ago,” remarked Pepe, aged twelve and three-quarters.

This issue of the Canabal Chronicle was brought to you by Craig Briggs, author of The Journey series of books.

To purchase copies of my books, click these titles:
Journey To A Dream - Beyond Imagination - Endless Possibilities
Find out more about Craig, and Galicia or look him up on Facebook
Craig and Melanie also own and operate a luxury farmhouse rental property called Campo Verde. To find out more about a stay at Campo Verde and Galicia in general, visit their website getaway-galicia