Note from the editor: Due to the overwhelming success of our ‘Author Interview’ slot in the bi-weekly Some-day Supplement, we have decided to add this popular feature to the Chronicle. Today’s interview is with David Workman, author of the highly acclaimed Letter from Alabama. Also in this issue, we’ve added another new feature ‘The caption competition’. But first …

Local residents were questioning whether dietary supplements are to blame for the rise in amorous liaisons after a group of local birds were seen nibbling on an unidentified substance.

By the time local authorities arrived to investigate, the mysterious morsels had been devoured. The birds seemed ecstatic with their treat which fuelled speculation as to the contents of the bowl and the intentions of the mystery donor. When rumours circulated of an unlikely village romance, photographers from the Chronicle were first on the scene to capture this unexpected rendezvous.

Further investigations by the Chronicle’s cyber division shed light on the murky world of online dietary dating sites. After hours of browsing, strictly for the purposes of investigative journalism, researchers came across this local advertiser on one of the world’s most popular websites, Speculation mounts that Tom Boy could be the Mr Big of the Canabal passion food scene.


Misty mornings and changing colours suggest autumn is in the air. Before long residents will be unpacking their winter duvet and switching on the heating.

The Chronicle’s tip for keeping warm is roast some chestnuts and enjoy a glass of red wine.
The town of Monforte de Lemos forms the beating heart of the Ribeira Sacra, a Denominación de Origen that produces excellent wines that are recognised throughout the world. It’s situated in the Val de Lemos, a vast undulating plain in the south of Lugo province, Galicia and is less than ten kilometres from the village of Canabal. The town boasts many historic monuments including the Torre da Homenaxe and the Monasterio Benedictino de San Vicente del Pino.

Perched on a hilltop in the centre of Monforte is the Torre da Homenaxe or Homage Tower. Built between the thirteenth and fifteenth centuries it dominates the skyline. The tower is 13 metres square with walls over 3 metres thick and stands 30 metres high. The views from the top of the tower over the town and surrounding countryside are outstanding. There are exhibitions inside including arms and furniture from the period. Visitors can also buy locally sourced handmade products.

The Torre da Homenaxe shares its hilltop position with the Benedictine monastery of San Vicente del Pino. Its origins date back to the tenth century. Today’s building was constructed in the sixteenth century in the neoclassical style. Ten years ago, after extensive restoration, the monastery opened its doors to the public as a luxury Parador hotel.
The cafeteria provides a wonderful location to enjoy a coffee and cake or sample a glass of the local wine.
Author Interview
David Workman
David Workman is an American writer and editor with family roots in the U.K., the Netherlands, Alsace, and Germany, among other places. He was a journalist at several newspapers, then entered public service as communications director for several state agencies in Washington State. He was executive editor of state-published books and websites on natural resources, environment, and social and health services. He operates Workman & Associates, a communications consulting and publishing firm. In 2015, he released “Letter from Alabama: The Inspiring True Story of Strangers Who Saved a Child and Changed a Family Forever.” In 2016, he released "An Author Tells All: Surprises and Revelations from Publishing My Story."

David's life could turn out very, very badly. His mother dies suddenly when he is an infant. Then at age two, he is gone. Vanished, with his father, and abandoned in a far-away place. His future hangs on a Letter from Alabama, a piece of paper that must travel hundreds of miles in an envelope. Then it must land in exactly the right place in a busy office where nobody is under any obligation to read it or pay any attention to it. This is the true story of that letter, and all that will transpire because of it. It's the story of human failure, and human triumph. Forgiveness and redemption. It is a testament to, and a prayer of thanks for, good and decent people everywhere who stand up for a child when they don't have to-when they have nothing to gain and perhaps much to lose. It's a tribute to those who see the potential in a young person and give that person a chance to be the best that he or she can be. They are the heroes for whom this story is now committed to writing.
Follow one of these links to get your copy of ‘Letter from Alabama’
Question time – our globe-trotting reporter asked David ten challenging questions.
1. If a movie was made of your life, who would play you and why?
I pick Brad Pitt. Why? Because he’s Brad Pitt!
For young David, I would go back to the 1950s and choose Jon Provost, the child actor who played Timmy Martin on the CBS TV series “Lassie” from 1957-64. Jon was a really cute towhead, and (I thought) really cool. Also I loved Lassie, and all the collies that “played” her.
3. If you won a million pounds/dollar/euros etc, what would you buy?
This is a decision I would make with my wife, in conversation with our children and grandchildren. However, my first instinct would be to use about half the money to take care of personal / family matters. The other half, I would want to put to a greater good – for example, an important environmental project or a scholarship for the next generation.
3. What is your least favourite thing about humanity?
I wish people would stop being mean – intentionally hurting and tormenting others. I especially dislike mean people in positions of power over nations, tribes, cults, terror groups, and families.
4. If you were 80 years old and had children, what’s the most important experience you could pass on to them?
I hope to get there! I do have children and grandchildren, and they light up my life, and make this world a better place. I want them to know what I learned from the family who took me in after I was orphaned and abandoned. I want my children and grandchildren (and theirs) to know, unshakably, that they are deeply and unconditionally loved. I want them to know they have the capacity to let that love shine in the dark corners of life.
5. You’re a new addition to my spice rack, what are you and why?
Salt. Sea salt. I love oceans and seas – especially tropical seas where you can see forever beneath the surface. Also, salt preserves, and it persists long after fickle water evaporates.
6. In less than 50 words, how does the internet work?
People connect without going anywhere. If they’re not careful, or if they’re unlucky, they connect with the wrong people. They need to connect with the right people, and the right information.
7. How can you tell if someone is a nerd?
If they’re anything like me, they could be nerds.
8. If you could add one word to the dictionary, what would it be and what would it mean?
Ecam. It would be shorthand for the lesson that I learned from the people, including strangers, who saved me: Every Child Absolutely Matters.
9. What undiscovered technology will transform the future?
Using all available means – old, new, and yet unknown – to seek and find objective fact, truth and reality. And valuing fact, truth and reality over self-satisfying propaganda, political rhetoric, and self-delusion.
10. What is the one thing you own you wish you didn’t?
A dandelion puller. I wish those darn dandelions would go somewhere else besides my yard.
And finally …
The caption competition
Write a caption to the following photo and win an ebook copy of your choice from ‘The Journey’ series (books 1 to 4). Post your caption in the comments below and the winner will be announced in the next issue of the Canabal Chronicle.

This issue of the Canabal Chronicle was brought to you by Craig Briggs, author of The Journey series of books.