Competition to win a book & 2 book reviews
Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Competition & two book reviews.
As the season finally begins to change and more Autumnal weather hits most of Spain, I tend to read more.The evenings are longer and I spend more time indoors. This month I have reviewed two books set in Andalusia.
The Return by Victoria Hislop. This novel is set in Granada at the time of the civil war.
I also read The Hand of Fatima by Idlefons Falcones, again this is set in Granada and also around the Alpujarra region. It also refers to many other areas of Andalusia. Both these fascinating novels are reviewed at lenght in my new post this week.
I have launched my first ever competition for my blog readers too. The author Susan Nadathur has generously given a copy of her latest Novel ´The City of Sorrows´ Susan Nadathur is a widely-traveled writer, teacher, and self-proclaimed “outsider” from Connecticut who lives on-and-off in Spain with an extended family of Gypsies in Seville. the story is quite compelling and gives a unique perspective on Andalusia.
To enter the draw all you need to do is leave a comment on the blog post ´Competition Celebrating the Gypsies of Granada´ on my blog. The closing date is November 22nd 2013.
This date was chosen especially as it is a particularly apt date. The 22nd November is the Day of the Andalusian Gypsy or El Día de los Gitanos Andaluces. This day commerorates the cultural contribution and the Gypsy influence in Spain, in the poetry of García Lorca, in the music of Falla, in the paintings of Picasso and the flamenco of Camarón.
The winner will be chosen based on the most original comment. The book will be in Kindle format or in Print version. The outlining the competition also explains the culture and background of the Gypsies of Granada. This was expertly written by Susan as a guest post on my blog this month.
Hope you enjoy reading this Autumn & Winter as much as I do.
kind regards from Granada
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