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Beating the Heat in Southern Spain - Coping over 100°F
Tuesday, July 9, 2024

After living in Southern Spain for 18 years I have learnt how to deal with Extreme Heat.

Here are some of the tips for those looking to spend weeks/months in hotter areas of Spain.

I live in Granada city and the best way to deal with very hot days is to plan ahead. Actions that may seem like small gestures make such a big difference.

Windows, Doors & Blinds 

After sunset open up the doors, windows, curtains and blinds as the temperatures lower. Here thats around 9.30pm, but it could be even later on hotter days.

In the morning close all the curtains, shutters, blinds and doors. To keep the sunshine and hot air out. 


Getting Errrands done

The earlier the better, the hottest part of the day in Granada is 5.30pm so making the most of the morning 9.30 to 12h is best. Food shopping, admin and errands is always easier in the cooler mornings. 

Also many businesses, shops and organizations operate summer timetables and may only be open in the mornings in July and August. It´s always worth checking timetables at this time of year before you head somewhere.

The Right Food

During the summer months, salads, cold soups, and light dishes are the best options. Gazpacho, Salmorejo pop up on local menus often. Its actually super healthy, not only are the low in fat and hydrating. Tomatoes help our skin to deal with sun exposure due to the lycopene content.

These are just a few examples but there are more on the full article here:


What do you do to beat the heat in Spain?


Best wishes for a lovely Summer



P.S the thermometer seen in the photo above was not working.. it wasnt really 76C

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