It's my Birthday today.....................
Tuesday, December 9, 2008 @ 11:49 PM

Today is my birthday and it is no secret that I'm now 62. The day started well with cards and pressies and e-mails. El Presidente gave me a wonderful card and a silver cat ( a pretend cat......I love cats, but he doesn't ).........................and the day went downhill from there !!!!
First I had to go to the dentist cos I broke a tooth on Sunday evening on a chocolate from a Cadbury's Advent calander ! I couldn't visit the dentist yesterday cos it was a holiday so it had to be today. I said I just wanted an emergency dressing in it and I would sort it after Christmas ( coward that I am ! ) but the dentist was having none of it so I ended up with an injection and a filling and a reconstituted tooth.............and a sore mouth !!
This afternoon we had our monthly Committee meeting at which I take the minutes, my face was still numb so I just grunted !! ( so did everybody else ).
El Presidente had decided to take me for a birthday meal which was a nice intention..........what is it about the road to hell being paved with good intentions???
The doorbell rang, El Presidente disappeared,
the phone rang,
an owner called to be added to the satellite TV list,
an owner complained that he was not yet connected........and on and on and on....................
El Presidente re appeared and so did another owner wanting to be added to the TV list. He was a new owner so El Presidente had to spend some time answering his questions and then the TV installers arrived and of course, El Presidente disappeared again.
By the time any sort of calm descended on our apartment it was too late to go where we intended so we dashed off to the local Menu del dia at the Chinese!!!!!
Not to worry, there's always another day.................but not another when I'm 62 !!
I'm not sure El Presidente will reach his next birthday in February if he carries on disappearing like he does !!