Thank Goodness for that!!!.....................
Monday, February 16, 2009 @ 7:18 PM
When El Presidente and Moi got off the plane at Murcia last Saturday evening, we both breathed a sigh of relief!!
The last few months have been such a merry go round we have almost forgotten where we live!! However, we will have to go back to the UK in March to finish sorting things out, but for now, we are just going to enjoy being at home in the sunshine again!!
We had been back in the apartment for all of ten minutes ( do they have some system which announces our arrival ?? ) when the doorbell rang and an irate owner was telling El Presidente that his TV had gone off ! This owner has obviously missed all the panic about TV decline so El Presidente explained what has been happening ( again ).
Several more owners have joined the Communal satellite system, mainly because Torresat have scrambled the 'illegal' signal.
Apparently one apartment has had it's electricity cut off and the owner is convinced that the electricity costs should be included in the Community fees!! El Presidente has explained in great detail what he actually pays for in his Community fees but the owner is not having any of it and says he's going to see his solicitor in the UK about it. He still has no electricity though!!
Right, I'm off to have a cigarette on my balcony now......................and I won't have to feel like a second class citizen because I smoke like I did in UK. !!