Lenght DOES matter......................
Wednesday, April 1, 2009 @ 2:02 PM
El Presidente is down in the garages with Pele and Cano who have come to pump out the lift shafts AGAIN. I think El Presidente lives in the garage.
The Town Hall said they were going to send a lorry to do this yesterday but it turned out the lorry only had a 20 foot hose and it would not reach the lift shaft.
Day before yesterday, the Town Hall ordered the builder opposite, who erected THE WALL which caused all the problemas, to remove it. When El Presidente asked when this was to be done, he was told tomorrow ( in English ) but that was yesterday!! Apparently they did not do it yesterday because they thought it might rain !!....................
Anyway, soon the lifts should be working again and Moi will not have to carry potatoes up two flights of stairs. My friend, who has an apartment on the top floor, has aching knees now!!
The one way traffic to our door has intensified since the debtor's letters were sent out ( the letter informs the owner of the debt and the fine they have incurred ). Suddenly...............no one seems to have knowledge of the inception of this fine although it has been in place( as voted for at AGM ) for several years. Moi's answer to this is to say...............if you had paid your fees on time you would not have this problem....................and you wouldn't be knocking on my door ( or sending me e-mails ) complaining !!!!.................That's why I am NOT El Presidente !!!
Anyway.........the sun is shining now and it makes the rain fiasco bearable....................just off to rescue El Presidente ( and his wellies ) for a spot of lunch on our SUNNY balcony before the Committee meeting this afternoon !!