A morning out.............
Wednesday, June 25, 2008 @ 6:56 PM
El Presidente and myself went Irish road bowling this morning. We usually go on a Thursday but we are off to Valencia for the day tomorrow so we said we'd go this morning.
On the way back we called at the bank and then decided to treat ourselves to menu del dia. We got home about two o'clock.
The man was due to come and look at the mangled door closer AFTER 3pm. But guess what? he had already been and of course the only other day he can call is tomorrow when we will be in Valencia.
There was a note pushed under our door which said we have a plague of ants in the pool area under where the lifebelt is hung ( this is on the far side of the pool ) and these clever little ants were invading a house on the other side, which means they must have swum over the water or perhaps they were using the inflatable that was floating in the pool at the time!!

The phone rang and the person on the other end said the electronic garage door had stopped working and what was El Presidente going to do about it?
The doorbell rang and an owner informed us that he had lost his pool key and if we didn't give him another STRAIGHT AWAY he would climb over the fence into the pool. ( suit yourself.........my thoughts......not El Presidente's )
The good news is that we have ( at last ) got planning permission to put gates on either end of the periferal road and extend the railings round the existing wall.......................I cannot wait for that work to start because, although ALL the information has been in the AGM minutes for two years, there is bound to be someone who knew nothing about it and doesn't want it done anyway !!
I'm looking forward to the trip to Valencia tomorrow and it will be interesting to see what we come back to tomorrow evening !!