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Odd jobs....................
Tuesday, August 5, 2008 @ 4:28 PM
Just sometimes I wonder what all this is about...................LIFE, I mean.
Here we are in this glorious sun which is too hot to sit out in and too hot to sit in in and 'somebody' has managed to twist the frame in of the glass covering the post boxes. WHY and HOW ?? I shall never know !! But I do know that it is just another job for El Presidente !!
I'm sure that when we came over here nearly six years ago, El Presidente did not see life as an unpaid 'odd job' man.
Prior to this 'life', El Presidente's 'odd job' experience was minimal, mainly because he is a perfectionist so when he started something, it took ages to finish because of this striving for perfection. Consequent 'odd jobs' were therefore delayed due to the time it took to do just one 'odd job'. ( and I learned pretty quickly to ignore those 'odd jobs' that needed doing or do them myself...................I am not a perfectionist so it took me less time, though the result was the same !! )
Now, there are so many 'odd jobs' that no one else seems to do, so El Presidente goes off with his tools to do them. There are always light bulbs to change, door frames to sort, door closers to straighted, bits of painting to be done and OF COURSE.............doormats to be found.
Still, at least these 'odd jobs' can be done in the SUN....................................I'll just mention to El Presidente that I have several pictures that I have been waiting five years for him to hang and the kitchen light bulb needs replacing before I have to cook in the dark.................................................................AT LEAST, I will mention this to El Presidente........when he gets back from sorting out the glass door frame on the post boxes !!!!

P.S...........El Presidente's name is NOT 'Fred'.
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