El Presidente and Moi are flooded and fed up !!..........
Monday, November 24, 2008 @ 10:29 AM

THIS IS OUR GARAGE.......................
The lifts have been turned off so the poor owners on the top floor ( including some old people with mobility problems are stuck.
The BUILDER ( San Antonio ) says the problem belongs to the Town Hall. The Town Hall says the problem belongs to the Builder.
WE ( La Mirada ) are the ones who are suffering ...........AGAIN ! ! !
The Garages have NOT been handed over from the builder to those who have bought spaces.......in fact only about 20 of the spaces were sold. This area was not included in the sale price of the apartments and seperate deeds were issued to those who bought them. The builder is paying for the electricity and no one pays any Community fees for the garage are. NOW though, the builder says 'It's not his problem' and will NOT have the area pumped out. The bottom of the lift shaft is in the garages and is full of water. The Community has already built a ramp so the rain water does not go down into the garages, but this time the force of water was so great that it went over the ramp and into the garages with considerable force. The Community has paid several times for the garages to be pumped out and we are claiming the money back from the builder via legal proceedings.
The trouble is, the garage area is also the base of the apartment block.
What moi, or El Presidente does not understand is this..................we paid 6,600€ for a space in this garage six years ago and it is now underwater AND apparently it is NOBODIES business ! ! !
Anybody got any ideas????
The press has been informed and the Administrator is at the Town Hall now with photos to put in ANOTHER complaint that no one will take any notice of.
El Presidente and Moi are FED UP ! ! !