A New Day Spain (dog refuge) needs URGENT HELP
Friday, January 3, 2014 @ 6:02 PM
A New Day Spain is a non-profit dog refuge in Pedrera, Spain.
Their aim is to provide food, shelter, health care, and ultimately, a new home for all the dogs in their refuge.
They are a non-profit making refuge for stray and abandoned dogs in Spain. They typically have between 80/90 dogs in their care. Their sole source of funding at the present moment is from their personal income and the money that they raise at a local market once a week.
Website http://www.anewdayspain.com
FROM MARIA "OK, don't really know how to start this, so am just going to plough in. Keith, my husband and partner in all the work we do with the dogs was today admitted to hospital after being very unwell for 3 days. A blood clot has been found in his head, which is currently being treated. For the last 3 days, and now today I have been trying to cope with more than 90 dogs plus a sick husband, and I guess there are a lot more days like then coming my way.
This is a desperate plea to anyone who can help by fostering a dog, any refuge or organisation who can take a couple off my hands. Anyone with a large garden who could look after one of the bigger dogs. I can provide food and a kennel, they live outside anyway. I just need to reduce our numbers so that I can properly look after both the loves in my life, Keith and the dogs.
Please, please share this everywhere, I desperately need help. Thanks From Maria"
Email spanishbradford22@hotmail.es
Phone +34 667 94 76 71

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