FOUND: MISSING SINCE 23RD DECEMBER: A female Scottish terrier called Ginger, on the cliffs of La Cala Finestrat (Alicante)
Saturday, January 4, 2014 @ 5:45 PM
9th January.
It is a very sad day today for Ginger's owners.
This is their statement on Facebook.
"Dear, dear Ginger,
As happy as you always were, to sprint after a butterfly, the shadow of something trying to tackle, so you also suddenly disappeared from our lives ...
The people who have known you were all in love with you, your character was super, your beautiful little head was doing the people's hearts melt ....
This morning we received the horrible news that you have fallen into the sea , and that you have been found on the 24th of December on the beach of Benidorm....
I cannot describe the sorrow we feel now ....
Dear dear Ginger, life has lost his shine.
Iwan, Coby en Debbie"

On 23rd December 2013 a blonde (wheaten colour) Scottish terrier called Ginger went missing on the cliffs of La Cala Finestrat (Alicante) Spain. Her owner is distraught and misses her so much.
Ginger is chipped 528140000477269 NL
There is a 1000€ reward.
If you see Ginger please call the owner!
Coby Metselaar (0034) 966 801 002 or (0034) 678 075 551

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