Ponche & Chica, beautiful siblings in a sad situation, need a home together
Tuesday, October 9, 2012 @ 4:37 PM
Home needed for these 2 small dogs!

" I have had these two typical mix Spanish dogs since they were a few months old, they are brother and sister and cannot be separated. They are now 8 years old and it is only because my marriage has ended that I find it necessary to re-home them.
My ex wife cannot have them, the community/owner does not allow them and I work long hours. They are in the flat alone most of the time and really need someone to give them more attention. They have never chewed anything and are well behaved and loving.
Poncho, weighs 9 kilos and his sister, Chica, 7 kilos, they are small dogs. They are chipped etc and have been well looked after, however the male is epileptic. He has two tablets a day and has not had a fit for almost two years now.
They are in Palomares, 04617, Almeria, near the Murcia border.
For more information call: 676 365 010 Email: gordonhayes@avired.com "
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