Katie's pups are growing & they need foster homes urgently OR forever homes
Monday, April 8, 2013 @ 7:41 PM
Katie's story can be read here >>
Her pups are growing & they need foster homes urgently OR forever homes.
They were born 13th March & are weaned. They have their puppy food now.
These are the latest photos, taken this morning.

Angie, their current foster carer, needs foster homes. She's given Katie a foster home till her puppies arrived & has now to find homes, either foster or permanent. I've just learnt, as I was writing this, that two pups have been offered foster homes & go Wednesday ...
Please Paypal angie_mccready@hotmail.com if you would care to donate a little towards the puppies for their food & their vaccinations. It is the same email address if you can offer help with fostering or permanent homes.
Alternate address is admin@actin-spain.com (Vivienne Worton)
Please join https://www.facebook.com/groups/AWSMassist/?fref=ts too.

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