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Angel de Miraflores forum threads
The Comments
15 Nov 2006 12:00 AM by Dave 20 Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message

Just returned after a very pleasant stay in block 4 - lovely sea and mountain view, parakeets chirping in the trees, friendly neighbours both sides and asense of optimism in the air. Spoke to Madeleine and Ute in the office who are helpful as always.   BUT I came away with the following news :

1.  The recent floods seeped through the telephone ducts recently installed  (for the lifts ?) and flooded some flats ( especially the sotano ),  the garage areas and store rooms.  Found 2 inches of water in our store-room and set to baling out.   Men have been round cementing up the holes in the pipe ducting so it " won't happen again". ( More rain due soon - it's the heaviest rainfall since 1989 in the Mijas region - 137 litres per metre fell in one night ).

2.  A lady has now been employed to clean the communal areas, and I hear she will also do rental cleanings for a fee.

3. Flooding disabled the pump room for the swimming pool so the insurers are being contacted to enable the repairs to be carried out.

4. The lifts are to be installed soon once the deveopers have the paperwork cofirming emergency phone lines are in place.

5. The area to the right of block 4 next to the vehicle ramp access had a landslide and although passable on foot is dangerous.  The earth was taken down the slope and demolished the garden fence to several flats and ended up in their gardens.

6. The president Jose is leaving us after alleged threats to his person - no details.

7. The meeting on 18/11 may therefore involve electing a new president?  Whether the items on the agenda will be dealt with may depend on this. I have given my proxy vote to another resident who will be at the meeting as I cannot attend in person.

8.  Other issues still to be sorted out - habitation licence to enable proper electricity supplies, planting,  upgrading of the facilities including security lighting. The main thing I think is to keep talking and pushing and not give up or get angry with people who are in a position to help the community or who are already doing as much as they can.

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21 Nov 2006 12:37 PM by Micko Star rating. 11 forum posts Send private message

Can anyone tell me under what block the garage was flooded as I have items in my storage room under Block 5 and I would like to know the worst now!


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22 Nov 2006 4:19 PM by goodstich44 Star rating in northampton. 1648 forum posts Send private message


this is on another site about Angel, but dosn't mention which block?  Fingers crossed it's not yours.


My cleaners arrived this morning to open up to recieve our delivery of made to measure curtains and our apartment is completely flooded all the furniture is ruined whats worse the water must have some effluent from the sewer system this is just the icing on the cake why cant the drains handle this, is this a bigger problem hope not luckily we are insured.


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