The Comments |
Didnt someone else have a problem with rain water coming in under the door of the apartment and it was only lucky they snagged on a rainy day. How the rest of us check for that I dont know other than arriving with buckets of water as you might not have water switched on.
Jan & Mike
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Don't think anyone has bought or completed on the apt below them. The puddle is a bit nearer the gate and I don't think it actually reaches the drain pipe. I wasn't even convinced my own apartment was flood free that day . It was torrential and the guy seemed to think it may encroach into the lounge. It held off that time but in the future I am not so confident???......
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Did notice that when I did my snagging the drainage hole was partially blocked up by internal concrete left over from the building.
Would this not fall under the building regs and not a snag issue?
Could this be a general design fault?
This message was last edited by 1098 on 7/30/2008.This message was last edited by 1098 on 7/30/2008.
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Evening All,
Does anyone know if this problem exists with the penthouse apartments? as I wouldn't like to be the person on the ground floor as they will have the rain water from the three apartments above. Just another one of my  scary thoughts.
Alison & simon
Always look on the bright side of life
Dogs have lots of friends cause they wag their tails and not their tongues
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Hi everyone,
It would be good if Emma from SnagitMurcia is reading this thread and for her to take note when she does future inspections. They seem to be doing a lot and I hear they are on site most days. They might be able to give us all some feed back as to if this potential flooding of the lounge area may be an issue.
Are you there Emma.......................
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Maybe worth everyone putting on snagging list about not being able to test if water draining away freely from baloneys and solarium areas and request this is tested
This message was last edited by PGM on 7/31/2008.
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Yep, I had flooding coming in through the front door of my first floor apartment when I did the snagging. The rain was torrential on the day. If it hadn't been raining I would never have known! Not sure how Trevor is going to check to make sure it's fixed but he did mention chucking a bucket of water at the door! There may be similar problems on other apartments but very difficult to tell
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Hi all
Looks like a sprit level is required when doing snagging to check the fall of the paving ensuring it slops towards a drain and or away from doorways.
Can anyone take a photo of the bottom of the front door and look if it has in a sill of any kind or is it a flat floor in which case it should have some kind of door seal at the bottom and a reasonable slope to prevent water going under the door?
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Hi All
Door with no proper seal at the bottom is not particularly unusual in warmer climates however you would expect to see a small ramp or the floor sloping away from the door to prevent the ingress of water and would also expect the door to have a draft excluder type system at the bottom to prevent insects coming under the door.
If either of these don’t seem to be the case I would have it entered on your snagging list as a problem.
Those of you who have already completed I would if possible test to see if it is a problem for you. If you are not able to do this I would wright to PW stating this has been identified as a possible building design problem and ask for this issue to be looked into. If you used a snagging company I would ask them if they checked for these kinds of problems and if they haven’t ask if they will have a look at this issue when they next go. I would personally consider this to be moor than just a snagging problem, it is in my opinion a defect and as such can be reported after completion. But I am sure someone on the forum will have better knowledge on this than me.
Let us know how you go on.
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