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I have just had an email from my lawyer (at FUSTERS) stating that Huma have refunded my !st payment of 33,000Euros. This amount was covered by a bank guarantee. I instructed them to execute the bank guarantee at the start of May.
I am now going to instruct them to fight for the 2nd payment plus interest. Don't know how long that will take but at least things are moving in the right direction! Good Luck to anyone else in a similar position.
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Well done !!! it is great to hear you have had some success. You have done really well to get a refund from May.
We instructed Huma to cancel in January 2006, ----- no joy ---- we are still fighting !!!
It's success posts like this that keep the rest of us going.
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I have been lucky enough to have been able to get money back through my bank guarantee.
I am still out of pocket for deposit and legal fees. Has anyone been successful in having these refunded from Huma and what is the best way to go about getting them back
Many thanks
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hi muggins
thats great news just wondering who youre solicitor is because we are in the same position. we have one bg. solicitor told us they have sent a bureaux fax to the bank but we are still waiting!!!! do you not think that the spanish government could do something to help us.
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just had notification of my second bank guarantee has been refunded from cajamurcia - which has been a problem bank for some, so keep hope if yours is with them. I know my solicitor had to take it a stage further than just the normal request as with the other bank, not sure what that entailed but it has worked.
I can highly recommend MAM Solicitors if you need help recovering BGs, they recovered both BGs within 3 1/2 months and that was with their 3 week shutdown in august.
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I read these threads in utter dismay and disbelief that in the modern world we live, all of you good ,law, abiding EU Citizens out there are put through this absolute fiasco.
It should never be like this. IT IS A SAD, SAD REFLEXTION ON......
So why, why, oh why, has this developer not ever been bought to task by the Spanish / EU higher authorities and made to do the honourable legal thing and refund people ? Any idea how they can get away with it ?
Truly, unbelievable.
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Hi Philmel .
I agree with what you say and feel maybe we have been trying to get help from the wrong people. There's got to be some one more legal in Spain to help us, but the big question is who? and how do we find that person?( maybe we should put out a reward ) because theres got to be some one surely. HELP anyone. BY the way we need more help because Huma broke the law by not giving us our B/G so their getting away with that to !!!!! 
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Had a call from my solicitor yeterday saying CajaMurcia will refund my stage payment when they receive my signature on authorisation form. He says it should be in my account by Tuesday at the latest and to call him as soon as I receive it, because in his words and I quote"I will not send them the BG until the money is safely in your account because I do not trust anyone anymore". that just about says it all. No one trusts anyone, there is no faith in the law even the police act with impunity. Some friends of mine in Mijas actually saw the police letting down the tyres of English plated cars. He took pictures on his phone to show us. He knew it would be a waste of time trying to do anything about it as the police would find a way of causing him trouble.
The only people who are truly going to change things are ourselves. Corruption is a way of life in Spain and there is little hope of it changing in the near future, even though there are one or two brave individuals trying to do so. Our MEP'S know what is going on but are powerless to do anything about it. The only thing that is going to work is people power, and with the majority of people in the Off Plan scenario being British I can't see that happening either. We are very good at complaining ,but apathetic when it comes to actually doing something about it. The only things I can see working is something like camping outside the Ministry of Justice for as long as it takes, or mass peaceful demonstrations and it would have to be,something that the outside media will pick up on. You now all think I have gone stark raving bonkers, or that I am a member of the loony left, but you couldn't be further from the truth.I know my fight appears to be almost over and I suppose it has taken away the fear factor of not rocking the boat ,but this has not lessened my anger and frustration at the way ,not just us at ACC, but the many other thousands that are caught up in the mess of the Spanish Construction Industry. So in answer to your question trudge, the only people who are going to help us, is ourselves
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not sure how the bank will give you your money without first having the bank guarantee master, i was lead to believe the original BG is similar to a bankers draft, but what do i know? Plus i never had to sign an authorisation from either, but like i say, what do i know. Good Luck for Tuesday.
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They say what goes around - comes around and the Spanish property industry business has certainly got it coming around as payback for the miss treatment of 1000's and 1000's of innocent buyers. (Who incidently they have lost forever.)
New Build / Off - Plan has crashed to it's knees at a stanstill and grovelling.
From the government down to the little one man estate agent they will be reflecting on all of this and hopefully realise how wrong they all got it.
More importantly realise what they have got to do to put it all right and that will a long long time.
Don't blame the 'credit crunch bla bla bla. They need to blame themselves for this horrible mess which has ultimately affected their own economy.
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Maybe your sense of humour has now come back.
So good to know people are slowly getting money back.
What I am waiting for is to hear some news from someone who has been to court because of no bank guarantee. We only notified solicitors about four months ago to take legal action. We were told it would take a long time but would like to know how long.
If anyone has been to court there are a lot of people who would be interested in the outcome.
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