Even if you have valid bank guarantees (banks are actually paying them) as if you don't, you can get your money back.
The reasons for withdrawing contracts are more than enough, and ask to get your money back, plus 6% yearly interest since you gave money.
If after requiring Huma, they don't pay (they won't, surely), you can go to Courts and they'll be obblied to pay moneys received, plaus 6% yearly interests plus legal expenses.
Even if after winning, they appeal, the resolution can be executed provisionally, so the appeal has no dilatory effect.
If you have a bank guarantee and the bank doesn't pay, you can sue them also.
Appart from that, there's some guarantees not covering all what you paid and/or interests. In that case, you can sue Huma for the rest.
We think best thing is to take legal actions, and we are doing this on behalf of our clients.
We'd like to be in touch also with all those suing Huma to share information.