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Almanzora Country Club forum threads
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23 Apr 2008 12:00 AM by tboneted Star rating. 32 forum posts Send private message

don't no anything about law over in spain but if i've payed £50,000 for my bit of acc and hundreds of others have then can someone tell me if there cheque's are rubber one's why can't we go after repo the land as a debt from huma

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23 Apr 2008 9:08 PM by johnfozard Star rating. 143 forum posts Send private message

I am no lawyer either - but I think a large farmer's field with no planning perrmission  and fenced off by the authorities for illegal workings - is not a very valuable asset in my book.

I think we own nothing of any value in reality or law. We have been conned!

We need to take Huma to court to get our money plus compensation.


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25 Apr 2008 11:25 AM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 forum posts Send private message

John, what an excellent post you have put in the Oasis forum.  Would it be worth putting it up in full here as well.  I am sure most people who have been conned at any point by Huma dip into both - but just to be sure you get a wide reading.  The forces are at work to tell people to jump in quick and bag a bargain!!  Your post may be pessimistic, but I think is much nearer to giving a plausable outcome!!

The other thing that I cannot understand is how people are expecting property to be ready for occuaption in 15 months when at the moment they are digging out for a show house.  I thought I had read  on this forum - by people who claim to know and to be in the business, that the infrastructure has to be in place before property can be released!!!  Building a show house is not getting to grips with building the infrastructure.   I too am out - I have walked away a long time ago with a relatively small loss - but I just want people to be careful.  

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