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Almanzora Country Club forum threads
The Comments
18 Mar 2008 12:00 AM by Martin72 Star rating in Bishops Stortford, H.... 21 forum posts Send private message

Good afternoon ACC followers,

As an estate agent in the UK and the company i work for is in partnership with P#####R i reserved a Tarifa back in 2005, now after sitting quitely in background for the last 3 years enough is enough. I never recommend P#####R to any of my clients and never will again. I have the phone number of the MD and believe me he will be made accountable for all the stress and trouble i have been through.

I reluctantly today have decided to withdraw from the ACC and am flying out to Almeria on Sunday morning for a meeting with my solicitor 12pm on Monday. They have told me that to start the ball rolling with my BG that i need to pay them 350 euro, that is on top of the original money that i paid them some 3 years ago to which they have never done anything for.

I will be going after P#####R for my solicitors cost etc as to me they sold stc me a property that legally should not have been available. Here is the UK if i as an individual did this anybody i could be personally fined upto £5000 and baned from the job for life, why should they get away with it !!!

According to the solicitors who i spoke to today they seem to think that it is going to be at least 1 year before anything happens on ACC !!!

Does anyone know how long after cancelling my contract and executing my BG will it take to get my money back ?

I am feeling really bad as this was my wifes dream to buy a holiday home and eventually live out there.

I will update all of you when i return from Spain if i can find out anymore information


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18 Mar 2008 4:30 PM by scales Star rating. 32 forum posts Send private message

Took me 6 eeeks ot exercise bg through a Spanish solicitor



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18 Mar 2008 4:35 PM by Martin72 Star rating in Bishops Stortford, H.... 21 forum posts Send private message


Many thanks for that information, how long ago was that ?

Was it this year that you got your money back, I am just thinking that while i am out in Spain i should look at some other properties available (but not any to do with HUMA !!!)


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18 Mar 2008 4:49 PM by Jasp Star rating. 71 forum posts Send private message


Can you give more details of how you exercised your bank guarantees, costs, lawyers name etc. Did you have to wait for the expiration of the BG, as mine have been renewed yet again, or is it just as long as your contracted handover date has passed (my property was due in 2005 !!).

does anyone know if you can do this without a solicitor/lawyer - i.e. turn up at the bank and sort it out direct with the bank manager so to speak?

Would rather buy on Polaris World in Mazarron than MCC even though that is another 18 months off.


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18 Mar 2008 4:57 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

rowlandsbb´s avatar


There are a few maisonettes still available on Polaris World at Conado de Alhama and the first lot of buyers are taking possession circa May/June





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18 Mar 2008 6:08 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 forum posts Send private message


Rowlandsb said::::

No more post as I am no longer a ACC buyer

ACC was live until the February 08 life moves on


But still advertising other sites??????




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18 Mar 2008 6:25 PM by Jasp Star rating. 71 forum posts Send private message


you are not helping

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18 Mar 2008 7:41 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 forum posts Send private message

No - and Brian (Rowlandsbb ) is actually right - it is time to move on so - so I am really going.  I have followed the discussions in the wild hope that money may be returned at some point, but as you know, I have already bought elsewhere and will just write  off the money.  I think it best just to walk away now and chalk it up to experience!!  I really do wish you all very well whatever option you have chosen, and I hope those who have much much more money in than me, do get money back, or some satisfaction.  Very best of luck, I have enjoyed the posts, but not the angst.

Very best wishes,




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19 Mar 2008 11:27 AM by Truff Star rating. 46 forum posts Send private message



If you are really serious about writing the money off, why not transfer it to OCC at nil cost?

The worst that can happen if / when OCC get's built is you can sell your contract on to recover some, maybe all the deposit

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19 Mar 2008 11:37 AM by mark t Star rating in Normanton West Yorks.... 63 forum posts Send private message

Back to the original queries of this thread.

We visited Spain in Nov 07, sacked Aldea 05.11.07, employed new solicitor on the same day. Signed POA for new solicitor on 07.11.07. Documents received by litigator on 12.11.08.

money received from Caja Madrid Bank for bank guarantee (1st stage payment only) and deposited in our spanish bank 18.12.08. cost 1940 Euros inc VAT (a small price to pay to get 33K Euros back)

In hindsight I wish I had kicked up an almighty fuss until we got a BG for our second payment, now taking legal action action against Huma for outstanding balance.

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19 Mar 2008 1:05 PM by Martin72 Star rating in Bishops Stortford, H.... 21 forum posts Send private message

Mark T,

Thank you for that information, could you please send me the name of the solicitor that took on your case and won

Many thanks


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19 Mar 2008 1:21 PM by mark t Star rating in Normanton West Yorks.... 63 forum posts Send private message


Have sent you PM

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19 Mar 2008 7:29 PM by KarenDavid Star rating in Berkshire and Vera P.... 122 forum posts Send private message

Fantastic !   You have given lots of people some much needed hope.  Your solicitor could be in for a busy time!   

I'm no longer a "buyer" on ACC having pulled out and bought a resale but I just like to read what's been happening and how people are getting on (or not) with solicitors etc.    Is this OK with everyone, I dont want to post replies/comments if you feel I shouldnt!


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