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The Comments
12 Mar 2008 12:00 AM by halegate Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

Just returned from Almeria after visiting Oasis Tabernax over 2 days with a visit to marrazon to view the very limited available properties for sale.

Marrazon is in a nice area with a well laid out site,the earlier part of the development being very attractive and desireable but the deeper you get into the site the more it turns into an estate with properties closer together.obviously the cheaper properties with the aroma,s being in blocks of 4,yes key ready but not for me holiday home investment or not and not a good price either but getting snapped up very fast!

The first visit to to Oasis Tabernax was not the best,overcast weather and a landscape that was not that pleasing and came away with mixed feelings but having slept on it we wanted a second viewing and had decided to swich prior to our revisit after considering our options.

The return visit to conclude the paperwork saw a much sunnier day and the desert landscape looked so much better in the sun  we viewed the area with a different attitude, the site itself is surrounded by mountains those to the south west being green and fertile with olive trees for harvesting by the numerous olive oil production company,s one in particular that supplies the likes of Harrods,Fortnam and masons etc

Would this be my first choice,, no, would the Acc,,no but i cant afford a couple of million so you have to compromise and i see this development as secureing the investment we have made with our money being transfered to Huma Indalo S.L.with the Oasis development being insurance backed to the tune of 15 million euros aswell as b.gs!

Only 20mins from Almeria and 30mins from the Airport and beech,rentable, yes i think so,film studios only 1/2 a mile from site with people takeing organised trips into the dessert and if Disney re-locate to tabernax thanks to the most guaranteed hours of sunshine in europe then the rentability goes off the planet along with the price!!

Consider your options but do not dismiss the Oasis Tabernax option set aside the Disney part as i did but if it becomes reality then who knows??





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12 Mar 2008 11:27 AM by Sparky Star rating in Somerset and Vera. 127 forum posts Send private message

Pleased you've made your choice and wish you all the luck. At least your money will be safeguarded.

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12 Mar 2008 11:35 AM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 forum posts Send private message

Absolutely agree with Sparky -very best of luck. But I have to know - who has mentioned Disney in this region??? Was it Mickey himself??????????? Bri



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12 Mar 2008 11:40 AM by johnfozard Star rating. 143 forum posts Send private message

Dear Gary

I do not want to be a sceptic - or pour cold water on this - I hope it works out - but how can you be certain Huma will not bank your money - give you no BG and not build this one either.

Anyone considering buying anything from Huma - needs a hell of a reassurance.

What steps have you & your solicitor taken to ensure you are water tight - because a Huma contract alone is worthless ref ACC. It is strange they can move money from one development to another and yet not give refunds from ACC.

One has to ask - is this now a massive scam in moving pretend money around to buy more time?

I am not criticisng you - It would be useful to share the assurances and precautions that you have taken out - to ensure you have protected your investment - as you surely hope you have done - so we can all consider our positions.

I feel we are all in this together and have a joint responsibility to try and share what little factual information we have.

Best regards





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12 Mar 2008 12:23 PM by jaymont Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Just a word of warning.  If Huma Indalo are using funds from Huma Med for the Oasis project - leaving Huma Med vunerable and unable to pay back to those who wish to pull out of ACC - this could cause serious problems if the two companies have different registration numbers.  Ie you cannot get the courts to obtain money from the other company.

My solicitor for my case  on another development told me this - but please check it out for your selves.  Its bad enough getting into one mess. Just be careful......


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12 Mar 2008 1:12 PM by halegate Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

Thanks for your words of support,my first choice would be a full refund with interest and costs,,however we all know that is not going to happen,i can only tell you what i have seen and that is Tabernax is there and was being surveyed for construction  on the two days that i visited!

I was informed that ferrovial were about to move on site by the end of this week with work commencing next week,on phase 1 and i have to say i believe that information!

Several agents visited with potential investors/customers while we were there,the site office has only  opened last week and the development has not even been marketed yet,Phase 1 was available for purchase as well as the switch possibility from Acc plots were being reserved and all the permits were in place with a full copy inc the insurance gaurantee,s for anyone interested in a purchase or about to transfer from Acc !

Marrazon is a reality,you can go and pay the diffirence and move in,Tabernax is also going to be a reality,as for Acc,beyond Humas control but it may happen later as for Disney Europe well thats only hear-say from the site agent,but if i was to happen well,,i can see the attraction but as with all information and speculation treat it wih caution and make your own informed decision.

Best regards


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12 Mar 2008 1:46 PM by johnfozard Star rating. 143 forum posts Send private message


What date is on your contract for the hand over of your new property and does it have the same 6 months delay option in it?


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12 Mar 2008 2:49 PM by halegate Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message


We have only signed to accept to move at the aggreed price on our chosen plots, the contract will be forwarded to the u.k along with our new b.gs we were told within a week via recorded mail.

The indication was that the property woud be ready for delivery in 15 months time ,i presume it would have the usual 6mths waiver but i expect that phase 1 would be started and developed in record time to attract new customers and in an effort to show that Huma can deliver when they have all the correct paperwork in place endevering to rebuild customer relations with Acc clients with the possibility of more people takeing that option.

I know many of you will look on my posting with scorn but it is only my oppinion and it is what i would do if i was in the position of Huma and wanting to make a commercial decision as to the way forward.



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12 Mar 2008 3:31 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 forum posts Send private message

Gary, I really do understand your decision, and respect it - you do not have to justify your actions.  I am only sorry that ACC seems to have come to such an abrupt end (the dream anyway).  But I am astonished that the agent, or anyone else has mentioned Disney moving to the area.  The rumours have always been that Disney would move to the Costa Del Sol - it has  never, ever mentioned Tabernas or anything in the area.   It is disgusting if this is what is being said.




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12 Mar 2008 4:21 PM by Sparky Star rating in Somerset and Vera. 127 forum posts Send private message

It's very easy to scorn when you don't have a large amount or money tied up.  I think what you have done makes the best business sense of a truly awful situation.  We are just starting the fight to get our money back and I know it's going to be a battle and take a long time and not sure of the outcome.  We just didn't want to take the option and pass any more money to Huma but our principles will probably cost us.

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12 Mar 2008 10:41 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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Disney as far as anyone is aware is not going to build in Spain at  present and :

Lets get real....do you think an agent selling Spanish Properties knows anything about when or if they will ??????????????





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12 Mar 2008 10:55 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

rowlandsbb´s avatar

The Disney post had to be seperate to a 'real life one'

I want to make it clear that I am an agent but also a buyer on ACC

We changed to OCC for financial reasons stated in another post and are selling OCC [ if there are any left to sell!!]

To anyone who was in the same position as I was....Tarifa ACC ,no BG ,money at risk  

Looking at the OCC option is 'real time'

I have just had a report from the people I deal with in Spain that there is a lot of activity at the OCC site....people like me are looking and taking the best locations  

So if you have no BG....consider your options

If you would like to talk about this [and I not going to make any money out of your decision] call me on 0777 557 8230 but before you do look me up on www.myspace/brianrowlands so you know who you are calling





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12 Mar 2008 11:05 PM by halegate Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

The disney posting is only a relay of information received and not factual how so ever interpritated ,but i can see the attraction to the area, vast ammounts of land excelent motorway links only a half hour away from the airport links 3000hrs of sunshine a year,the highest in europe along with the numerous film studios located near by..??? you can see the potential.

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13 Mar 2008 1:16 AM by canyon Star rating in UK. 3 forum posts Send private message

Hello Halegate

I tried searching for relevant info RE: Disney in Spain. The following links may or may not be relevant but its all I could find so far. It would indeed be a very interesting development if Disney did intend a Tabernax site but I think it may be very difficult to verify since Disney seem to be tight-lipped about their plans for anything, and according to other forums I have visited, they purchase land through other identities without revealing their own.

From the info I found it seems that Disney have not communicated intentions for anywhere other than Manilva (Spain) since April 2006. It might pay to keep one ear to the ground on that one.



Good luck.



This message was last edited by canyon on 3/13/2008.

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13 Mar 2008 11:08 AM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 forum posts Send private message

That is my understanding of the Disney scenario too.  Of course they should have built in Spain in the first place!!!  But probably not in the Tabernas Desert.   And again, I am really sorry to be pickey, but there are not currently any film studios, nevermind numerous ones in the area.  What is left is a couple of previously used sets now turned into two very good day out theme parks.

Disney it ain't - but nevertheless good fun, and very doable in half a day.  No need to actually stay in the area to visit.

As far as I am aware Tabernas has been used for occassional advert work in the past 10 years or so.




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