The Comments |
Hi All, sorry long time no post,
huma have invited us to have a look at mcc,at our own expence so off 11th-15th this month,if nothing else a nice break. 10 % discount + H C ,more important a chance to talk to them face to face
If we get any worthwhile infomation ( o k stop laughting ) will post asap
_______________________ keep the faith
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Hi Cuffie,
Will be very interested to know how you get on. Could possibly be the only way out of this mess as we have no bank guarantee and it seems that those at the moment are almost worthless.
We have been thinking of making the change to MCC but just hope it doesn't mean out of the frying pan.
Please let us know. At least this time you will be armed with the knowledge of what to check out.
Good luck.
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If you are thinking about transferring, then think fast. As of last week there were only about 14 of the bungalows (area 36 where all the ex ACC buyers have purchased) remaining. Huma have a handful of other plots up for sale, but these start at approx. 220000€.

This message was last edited by reidpj on 2/7/2008.
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Well, having been bitten once, I wont be rushing into anything which involves HUMA. I suggest anyone thinks very carefully before switching - I for one will not be moving, and I would be confident at this time of finding something in the Almeria area at a very attractive price.
Some one has already mentioned fire and frying pans - just beware.
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That is quite correct, you can find a very nice home in Almeria at an attractive price and everyone should look before they buy on MCC
However for many it is a good way out, no hassle in getting your money back and you have it now!
But look and compare
This message was last edited by rowlandsbb on 2/8/2008.
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