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Almanzora Country Club forum threads
The Comments
09 Dec 2007 12:00 AM by GASMAN Star rating. 24 forum posts Send private message

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you on how the trip went as I knew a few of you had interest in this.

Well for me its goodbye and good riddance to Almanzora Country Club as I did a swap for a property at Mazzaron County Club. Its cost me more money but I have a garden now on my plot and were buliding our own pool and the property is already built, complete in March. I think the area is really nice, the port of Mazarron looks fantastic, Murcia and Cartagena also look like nice cities with things going on. The following things I found of interest out in Spain which helped make my decision.......

Almanzora Country Club will not be built and finished for 5 years, everyone states this including the agents we met and estate agents. I can believe this because even though phase1 is near completion at MCC, phase2 will take another 2/3 years. I just could not be bothered to wait another 5 years having waited 2 1/2 and this is assuming it even gets the go head.

ACC properties were marketed too cheap, Murcia land is more expensive but if it is bulit you may have a bargain.

Its going to take 6-12 months to get your money back, words from 2 solicitors including Aldea.

Met 3 couples who live on MCC permanently, all spoke very highly of the site and could not speak high enough of bulider Huma who put all snags correct.

Build quality of the bulidings on MCC is excellent of what I saw.

I'm happy with my decision and I wish the people staying loyal to ACC all the best of luck. For me at 30 years of age it was an easier decision, its a bolt hole for me and an investment for the long term future, I'm not fussy enough to have the worry of living their full time.

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10 Dec 2007 1:27 PM by scales Star rating. 32 forum posts Send private message

Hi Gasman,


Did you do the swap through Huma? rather than getting your monies returned which they are reluctant to do?





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10 Dec 2007 3:30 PM by GASMAN Star rating. 24 forum posts Send private message

I swapped through Parador who dealt with Huma being my agent, of course Parador are happy as they still get there cut........

I also had my 2nd payment with no bank gaurantee so it was going to get messy but luckily enough for me I liked MCC and as I said with this not being a retirement home I'm not as fussy, its an investment and in all likely hood in 10 years time I will ideally have a bigger and better property.

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10 Dec 2007 5:55 PM by Jasp Star rating. 71 forum posts Send private message


Glad it has worked out for you, but why did you mention "an investment"  and "in 10 year i will ideally have a bigger and better property" - implying your ACC is a good return - you will have all the numptys back on telling us all what a waste of money ACC is and properties are lower, better deals else where, not sat on a pot of gold blah blah blah.......hear we go round 26!!!

Well done, shows Mazarron is not such a bad place as according to the boo brigade.................

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10 Dec 2007 7:45 PM by GASMAN Star rating. 24 forum posts Send private message

Jasp, at 30 years of age and 5 weeks annual leave a year I'm going to want a few golf and social weekends away with the boys and also the other half, I've waited 2 1/2 years for this and don't want to wait another 2 years etc etc. I think if you buy anywhere in Spain then your going to see an increase in your property value in 10 years time and I am not paying a mega amount more

I also think ACC has got an stigma attached to it which may put potential buyers off in the future. Like anything in life, nothing is perfect but I'm looking forward to watching Real Murcia play the likes of Real Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia etc before the end of the season...!!!.

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11 Dec 2007 4:32 PM by AndyLynnW Star rating. 142 forum posts Send private message

We heard from our Solicitor in Spain today ( Tuesday 11th December).

She said that she had an appointment with Huma next Tuesday (18th December) when she will pick up our cheque which is a full refund without interest or compensation.

This has taken since 21 st September which is the date we exchanged cancellation contracts. She had an initial Meeting with them on 5th November so fingers crossed next week will see our cheque.

Intially we were relieved but there is a feeling of sadness as ACC  was our dream.

Interested to hear about MCC which we had not considered before.

Is there a website that has some photos and info?



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11 Dec 2007 7:05 PM by Mikenmandy Star rating in Dewsbury, Yorkshire .... 232 forum posts Send private message

Mikenmandy´s avatar

Glad to hear you got sorted.

Hate to tell you but Real have already been to Murcia, they were there a couple of weeks ago. There's always next season, If they stop sliding down the table.




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11 Dec 2007 7:48 PM by garyherts Star rating in Vera Playa and North.... 1 forum posts Send private message

I singed up to purchase in July 05 and patiently waited (and waited and waited... repeat until nearly as bored as I was).  In February of this year I decided that a smaller apartment on the playa might provide me with a 'stake in the ground' for my retirement.  Using a very patient loal agent, my partner and I viewed 12 apartments in 45 minutes and didn't find one that we liked.  Lucky number 13 and we went for it, completing some 6 weeks later.

I was able to get all but the original 3K refunded without too much hassle and have, only recently decided to pull out altogether.  This last bit should be fun as, according to my contract, on this element, Hum/Masa owe me a little bit of compensation.

We shall see

gary (very happy living on Vera Playa)

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11 Dec 2007 9:44 PM by gail Star rating. 30 forum posts Send private message

For information on MCC and photos try:

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12 Dec 2007 11:57 AM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 forum posts Send private message

A word for the Numptys - Jasp - I don't think you will find anyone who has said on here that after 10 years you could well have a sound profit.  Myself, and many others are only down on those who encourage people to invest on the promise, or expectation of quick profit.  ACC has been plagued with this idea that all you have to do is buy a plot of land and you will make a fortune very quickly.

Realism is the key word.

And good luck to Gasman.




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12 Dec 2007 12:41 PM by GASMAN Star rating. 24 forum posts Send private message

MikenMandy, yeah I knew they drew 1-1 with Real Madrid but for some reason I dropped Madrid's name in................Hoping they can stave off relegation because its an added bonus being able to catch a decent game while I'm out their.

Apparently Aldea have over 1000 people trying to get there money back from ACC, plenty have swopped with ease to MCC and Huma have bent over backward to do this. People are also getting there money back, anyone think that Huma might just want to pull stumps on the project..??.

I reckon the interest they would have gained would have payed for the machinery left on the site, its probably covered the cost of any labour they incurred so far..!!. I can just see them re-marketing it in 5 years time at much higher prices, agents admitted to me that Huma have realised that the prices are too low at ACC for properties etc etc.

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13 Dec 2007 12:04 PM by middleage1 Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message


Wow, I have just spotted the tarifa I have bought on ACC being sold on another website in another area??. Please check out under the development  Los Olivares | Huercal Overa . The tarifas are being sold at 139,000 euros. They are being sold as detached properties, fully fitted kitchens supplied with white goods, hot and cold air conditioning to be completed in 18 months. There are many questions that could be asked ( for example; is this a Huma project ). I don't know if anybody else using this forum has spotted these tarifas and I apologise if you already know about them but if you don't please have a look.  They even use the same promotiomal pictures that were uses to sell ACC.

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13 Dec 2007 2:30 PM by mark t Star rating in Normanton West Yorks.... 63 forum posts Send private message


Yes it is another Huma project (Is it in the towns PGOU does it have all the relevant licenses???????????????)

From what I have heard it's up in the mountains near Mini Hollywood

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13 Dec 2007 4:11 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 forum posts Send private message

Now this is interesting - it looks like something completely different to Oasis - the planned country park at Tabernas, and is only 13 Tarifas.  There is no mention of any country club type facilities so I think this is something completely different.





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13 Dec 2007 6:05 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

rowlandsbb´s avatar

This has nothing to do with Huma

They are a small developer with a site just outside Huercal Overa

Plots are from 200m2 and I think there is at present circa 12 plots

When I spoke to them in October they were just getting started with the site and have looked at the designs of the most popular styles in the area and are prepared to build to the same design and standard..they do have some of their own designs

Hence a detached house looking like a Tarifa!

As it turns out we have bought on the adjoining site and the prices are very similar per sqm...60 plots and most sold

It is a nice location.and it is a hamlet 5 km from Huercal Overa which is being developed [ with permits!!!]  ...well we like it  

If you buy here you will at start be on sceptic tank drains but eventually on mains [ Junta Project] and the builder will have to lay for main drains for later connection

Also the local council from Jan 2007 insist that the roads and drains are laid before they can start building...bit like a new UK housing site

So on either site it is not a Huma situation!!





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13 Dec 2007 8:02 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 forum posts Send private message

Yes, thanks for that Brian - and that explains why if you do a google search you get different designs - so the builder must be ready to build to personal specs.




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19 Dec 2007 8:34 PM by adrie Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

same area = same townhall = same problems. i congratulate Gary for having pulled out and moved to Vera Playa, as i myself have done the same. my property on Terrazas del Golf in Mojacar will be ready within a month. no more waiting. nevertheless, the option of switching property to Huma´s development in Mazarron sounds like a good deal to me as well. a shame my agent did not inform me of this possibility in an earlier stage. well, this is my last posting. best of luck to you all.

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