Letter from Huma

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25 Oct 2007 12:00 AM by dpj Star rating in County Durham, Engla.... 27 forum posts Send private message

Hi everyone,

just thought I would let people know we heard from Huma today. The basic gist is that all sectoral reports are in (which we knew from forums, but it is nice to get confirmation) and the next step is to get definitive approval from the plenary meetings which are held every 2 months.

"which leads us to believe that by the end of 2007 or the startof 2008 (at the very latest), we will be in an altogether different situation and will finally be able to give you the news that Almanzora Country  Club has all its papers legalised and according to current law."

Lets hope that it is sooner rather than later, and we are not being led up the garden path. At least we are getting info now, after 2+ years of almost total silence.

best regards to everyone


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25 Oct 2007 3:20 PM by halegate Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

Receved my letter also from Huma confirming all the reports have now been approved and submitted to the junta andalucia,plenary meetings held every 2 months and look forward to an alltogether different situation by the end of 2007/start of 2008, this along with an opening paragraph of thanks and gratitude and being eternally gratefull.!!

Lets hope these words are worthy for the patience that we have shown in this situation.

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25 Oct 2007 4:04 PM by cathbogan Star rating. 16 forum posts Send private message

All - we also received a letter today from Huma....  Some of you mention "total silence for 2 years or so" - we've had nothing from them for getting on for 3 years now!, apart from the brochure produced earlier this year and, of course, promise after promise.....

Earlier this year, we finally decided ENOUGH - and commenced the process of getting our deposit back.

For those of you continuing with ACC, we wish you all the very best and hope things are now being brought to a satisfactory conclusion, sooner rather than later.

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25 Oct 2007 5:09 PM by Val123 Star rating. 71 forum posts Send private message

Hi Cath Haven't spoken to you for a while!  Hope you're well.

Me too.  We've waited it out since 2004, and heard nothing, except for the odd letter attempting to reassure us.

I've had enough, so has my sister,who I advised to buy at ACC, which I feel terrible about as she has little spare cash to throw around as a nurse

I am in the process of actioning my BG and am claiming compensation, interest and my legal fees through Andersons.

I would stress to anyone who is hanging on for the final 100% permissions to be granted - ensure your bank guarantees are renewed BEFORE they expire - I had the devil of a job renewing mine last year, due to Huma "losing" the copy I'd sent by registered post.

They seemed very disappointed when I said that I had the original safe and sound!

I firmly believe that Huma's financial position is secure, and let's face it, they're making a nice wodge of interest in their bank accounts from my/your money.

Best wishes to everyone, whether your sticking or quitting

V x



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25 Oct 2007 9:11 PM by reidpj Star rating. 239 forum posts Send private message

Both letters are posted on almanzora.cc

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26 Oct 2007 11:30 AM by mave perry Star rating. 3 forum posts Send private message

Hi Val

We decided reluctently 5 months ago to withdraw as we were fed up with waiting we purchased in March 2005 and have so far paid over more than 100,000 euros.  We have only ever received  a BG for 60k of it which has now run out and even though we had a letter saying they were sending a new one we still haven't received it!

  Our advisers Aldea said it would take 5 months to get our money back which has passed this month and nothing has happenend yet.  Can you tell me how you went about it and did you have to go to court or did they settle?  Also did you change legal advisors or stay with the same ones?  Any help would be appreciated.

Best Wishes


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26 Oct 2007 3:01 PM by Val123 Star rating. 71 forum posts Send private message

Mave, I've sent you a pm.

Val x

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26 Oct 2007 3:56 PM by Jasp Star rating. 71 forum posts Send private message

At least the letter from Huma confirms we (and them) should be a lot wiser come the next month or two (depending on when the Junta sit). After that I think I will know which way to jump, stay in or join the many seeking a refund..just hope it's not the later !

Lets see what Santa has to bring...!

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28 Oct 2007 2:19 PM by KarenDavid Star rating in Berkshire and Vera P.... 122 forum posts Send private message

Hi there - we havent received anything from Huma but we did receive this in an email from MRI that they were sent from HUMA


I have replied to MRI requesting a password to access ACC website, and also to ask when work is supposed to recommence but of course I havent had a reply.  If I get one I shall let you know.   If anyone has a password they are happy for me to "borrow" till I get mine please let me know - thanks. 



Following our recent information concerning status of our project, we are pleased to inform you that the final process of planning permission (before approval) for Almanzora Country Club has been carried out, i.e. the final reports have been sent to the Regional Government of Andalucia by the town hall of Cuevas del Almanzora. Herewith please be informed that the whole project, construction and also sales activities will be implemented again in the next few weeks. Please be advised that HUMA Mediterraneo S.L. is now going to send an additional information letter to your clients. Enclosed please find a cover letter, an original copy of submission document and a summary of the document in English. The information of the status has been published in the HUMA Mediterraneo official web site as well. To access into the web, please use the password which we gave you a few months ago. www.almanzoracountryclub.net We will keep you informed for further progress and appreciate your strong collaboration and support. If you should have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.



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29 Oct 2007 9:07 AM by Philmel Star rating. 214 forum posts Send private message

Your mail sums it up in a 'nutshell' as they say.  D  Day fast approaching. Final decision time for us all that have waited and waited.
In he event that ACC is not given the green light Huma must surely put a process in place to refund the masses on a faster basis than we are currently seeing. Well you would think so ! At he moment the people requesting refunds is small compared to total sales so stalling tactics are being used to refund.
But, when a 1000 people want THEIR money refunded like yesterday it's a different story. It will be a very interesting time.
At the moment we seeing people waiting five months or so for refunds and this disgraceful by any standards.
But lets not dwell on that scenario for now. Hopefully we will get the license granted.
Here's the dilemma, what if the junta rejects the plan and asks for amendments or changes. Will you / readers  'pull out or continue to wait?
Fingers crossed then for the result we all want.

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29 Oct 2007 11:50 AM by mushy Star rating. 9 forum posts Send private message

What worries me is that if as my agent tells me there is such a waiting list for these properties, then why are Huma not refunding those who want their money back in order for them to sell at a higher price to those people on the supposed `waiting list'?

We have not asked for our money back yet, we just keep sitting back and hoping everything gets the go-ahead.  If everything does get passed this time though, I would like to think that Huma offer those of us who have sent our deposit and all the stage payments some kind of compensation, i.e, all white goods and air conditioning.

Meanwhile, everthing's still crossed for a November decision:)

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30 Oct 2007 4:49 PM by halegate Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message


I think that huma will be happy to offer compensation to the people that have been very patient and invested many thousands of euros in the coffers earning interest!!

As for the point raised about the junta requesting ammendments to the proposed dev, goes without saying if you apply in the u.k and the planning application is differed pending ammendments to the application, then you go with those ammendments and building regs a bit like solar powered water heaters, now a requirement on new developments in spain and common sense too i think.

I think if the planning is subject to a few issues  and ammedments then 90%+f investors will be happy to wait for the definitive authorisation..

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30 Oct 2007 9:52 PM by Les Star rating in Cork Ireland. 68 forum posts Send private message

Hi All,

As you know we decided to pull out.    So far we have had nothing but trouble in looking for our money back.   If there are no problems as HUMA suggest, why then can't they give us our money back!     And another thing!     I e-mailed Parador and asked one of their reps some very leading questions.   Not only were they not answered, but they referred me to my lawyers, Aldea, whom by they way, they recomedned. 

Now can anybody out there give me the details of (a) watchdog, (b) The BBC programe 'Holidays from Hell' (c) Panorama and (d) an honest Spanish Lawyer.

PS: Will travel to be interviewed by the BBC and Panorama.


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04 Nov 2007 2:16 PM by marilyn53 Star rating. 28 forum posts Send private message

When I had not received a cancellation contract from Huma after 3 months of trying, I asked Jane Shelley at Parador to chase them up  on my behalf. she phoned me and said that Huma would send it shortly, that was exactly one month ago and I have received nothing.


On 15 Nov I am going to Spain to arrange power of attorney for litigation.  I have come to the conclusion that this is the only way I will get my money back. 


Marilyn 53 

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13 Nov 2007 4:06 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 forum posts Send private message



From an earlier post quoting MRI on 28th October:

Herewith please be informed that the whole project, construction and also sales activities will be implemented again in the next few weeks.


Is this  now past a 'few weeks' - ?? Or is a few weeks up for interpretation?



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