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31 Aug 2007 12:00 AM by Craig7183 Star rating in Torquay. 46 forum posts Send private message

Craig7183´s avatar
Hi to everyone,

New member, and a protential buyer have been since 2004, Im hopeing  it's all drawing to an end now, and that things will now start to pick up for us all,

 It's been a bit of a wait but i think it will be ok in the end, would be nice to be able to chat with people in a possitive frame of mind    


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31 Aug 2007 5:08 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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You say a 'potential buyer' and I assume that you have signed a contract and paid your deposit

Lots of positive vibes on this site....just click on to some of the other threads

The general opinion, which I think is well founded. is that the permission for a re start will be through in September 2007 or if not then it will be very soon after

Then it will be up to Huma as to when the properties are ready

Our Tarifa was due May 2007 + 6 months and I now expect it to be ready early 2009

Lot of worry for a lot of people but at least we are all sitting on a nice profit

ACC will be the ' most legal ' development in all of Spain!!!






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31 Aug 2007 7:29 PM by Roly2 Star rating in Almeria. 645 forum posts Send private message

Again, not being negative, I just think the fixation with 'sitting on a profit' extremely odd.  I am sitting on a profit having done nicely out of property in Florida!!  The profit is now invested, so I am sitting on a profit.  There is no profit until a property is sold, and a house is only worth what people will pay for it at any given time.  The market is cyclical - you can be sitting on a nice loss for periods of time if you want to view it that way.  To talk as though this is all guaranteed is I think is not helpful to people who may be inclined to pull out and look elsewhere!!!!



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31 Aug 2007 8:21 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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In property nothing is certain.....but for ever and ever in EU it has been a good medium to long term the right location

But the US market has always been different from UK and now EU

For example it may be difficult for say a Russian to buy in USA and the USA has always been 'in their terms' a local market...also a long way to go for a weekend!!!

The USA developers are not really marketing the EU is just the odd development and a bit of extra profit!!!

Not so with Spain [ & UK and other EU]

With current restrictions USA is not great!!

The basics for the Spanish Costa's is that for northern EU is it the closest to the sun

Go back 20/30 years and the UK dream was a caravan by the sea side

Now for not much more and for people in ordinary jobs a 'place in the sun' is within their budgets

And as our economy grows [ with the odd stop!] more and more will be able to make that ' dream' .....same applies to our 'friends' the Germans. Poles...and the rest

That is why medium and long term Spain will be OK......and it is a nice place to spend time

This message was last edited by rowlandsbb on 8/31/2007.

This message was last edited by rowlandsbb on 8/31/2007.





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31 Aug 2007 8:48 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 forum posts Send private message

I don't think anyone is suggesting the USA is an attractive place at the moment.  The point being made is I think  very valid.  There is no profit - anywhere in the world until you sell, and I for one agree with Roly2 that it is nonsense to talk as though there is.  We have gone round in circles on this one - and there are plenty of people out there who believe, with just as much certainty as you believe otherwise, that property prices in Spain will fall further before they go up again.  And I do agree with you as well Brian, that in the long term, property has been a good investment.  But I also think  that you are underplaying the risks in property, for people who are not investors.




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31 Aug 2007 8:54 PM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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Hope not

Just trying to say that if you are buying for a 'new life style' either permanent/half & half/ or holiday home in the medium term, if you are sensible and in a good loaction , you will be OK






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10 Sep 2007 6:27 PM by Mikenmandy Star rating in Dewsbury, Yorkshire .... 232 forum posts Send private message

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I think the point is.....that until the site is completed there is no profit, or equity to invest against


Currently there is no sign of the site being completed therefore no profit, sitting or otherwise.


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10 Sep 2007 7:01 PM by Bri Star rating in North. 589 forum posts Send private message

I keep saying that, and I am staggered by the number of times people go on about the nice profit they are sitting on, or words to this effect.




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11 Sep 2007 12:12 AM by Les Star rating in Cork Ireland. 68 forum posts Send private message

Here's a question to you all.   It concerns profit & loss.  What's double nothing?...Nothing.   What's 20% of nothing?....Nothing!.  Whats a large precentage and expected growth of nothing?.....Nothing!     Whats having to wait for nothing for nearly 2 years of nothing and a 20% increase of nothing?.....Yea! you guessed right.....Nothing.....NOTHING!...NOTHING!....NOTHING!

Now here's another question for you?   Whats remortageing your house and borrowing 60,000 Euro for 18 months at 5% interest?......No not nothing.  

So, Are people being compensated if they pull out?...Are they being paid for the loss of interest or compensation?...  Are HUMA playing cat and mouse with claimants throught the courts, avoiding paying compensation?

Now the burning question...To be very fair.   Are we going to get a final answer to the end of this saga this September?   The answer to say that HUMA have finally been given the thumbs up, the all clear, and that full permission has been given to go ahead, without any more stops.?  or is Parador going to send us another letter putting us on hold for more promising good news, so that perhaps we will hear from the junta 'soon' ??.  

To be fair, most of the people here in this forum have been very patient, having being put on hold they way they have.   Some of those who held out the longest had the gratest faith in the project, that it wood go ahead, and in the end, just gave up.     If at the end of this September it all falls apart, some people will have a lot of questions to answer.  The signs arent looking good.



This message was last edited by Les on 9/11/2007.

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11 Sep 2007 7:45 AM by rowlandsbb Star rating in Gloucestershire &Hue.... 780 forum posts Send private message

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Tend to agree that a positive decision is needed by the end of this year I am told that it will come in September or October but local and regional government do not always move at the pace we do in our normal lives

I was at the site last week and evereything looks the same In the office there was a poster for ACC showing a new design and some one told me that they have new marketing brochures in one of the show houses which was not open at the time of my visit

Still a great location but that is no good unless it does start

Between now and end of 2007 is the crunch time and whilst I have been positive if we get to 2008 and nothing happens then I will probably become negative and want to get out......I have to say it would be with reluctance and I would need some paper work [ re the current state of the planning issues from the local council]  to do otherwise     





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11 Sep 2007 11:20 AM by halegate Star rating. 136 forum posts Send private message

I think the  time scale of "the end of september" is what les stated in his last post and not as the reply from brian as the end of the year, yet  can agree with you both if that makes sense,yet in reality i dont expect to hear any news positive or otherwse untill towards the end of the year and i will take stock of the situation when it arrives.

If nothing is resolved by the end of this year then i will also become negative and consider my options along with many others!

hope we dont get to that stage !!

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11 Sep 2007 11:47 AM by mickmemate Star rating. 115 forum posts Send private message

No point in becoming negative chaps, unless you can do it with a smile on your face .  No matter what you decide, stay or go, be happy with your decision (and extend the courtesy to others - especially me ).



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11 Sep 2007 1:30 PM by JoeToGo Star rating. 5 forum posts Send private message

Have you started to notice the usage of the words and terms "end of september" "october" "early next year". Talk about history repeating itself. "Just a little bit more time", "maybe some good news soon".

I do hope for those of you who are hanging on in quiet desperation that something good comes from it.

The only reason that the "Agents" are still talking it up is because they do not want clients to cancel, as they will owe the money back to Huma. 10% - 12% or 15% of a few sales is a lot of money. I Imagine Parador and others stand to lose a small (sic) fortune. 

Most of you are being far too polite and patient considering how badly you have been and possibly will be treated.

Cut your loses, get your money back,  put it behind you as a bad mistake and get on with your life.

Good Luck.


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11 Sep 2007 5:52 PM by AndyLynnW Star rating. 142 forum posts Send private message

Couldn`t agree with you more.

You left out " And we are sitting on a healthy profit".

Property prices have levelled and people are accepting offers on re-sales.

There are now better buys than ACC.

Its a total mess.

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11 Sep 2007 6:46 PM by mickmemate Star rating. 115 forum posts Send private message

Come on now, watch that blood pressure.  If you've decided to give up, then good luck to you.  What difference does any potential profit make to you?  Will it make any difference to your quality of life in either case?  Is that what you bought on ACC for - a profit?  Time to move on, go and enjoy your new purchase.  Surely life's to short to worry about something  you've decided to leave behind, or are you subconciously regretting your decision?




ps  Still looking for a 2 bed, semi-detached, resale for 116000€ or less

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12 Sep 2007 7:35 AM by AndyLynnW Star rating. 142 forum posts Send private message

Subconciously regretting the decision mick?

Oh yeah...Building stopped 2 years ago, there is no sign of building carrying on,if it ever does ( that is being questioned in some circles),  it wont be what was originally planned when we put our deposit down, the last development Huma did is being lambasted,Huma didnt have the correct building licences from the start....Let me think about whether we are regretting buying in Turre instead.....!!!!!!!

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12 Sep 2007 8:00 AM by mickmemate Star rating. 115 forum posts Send private message

If you're so happy with your choice in Turre, why are you still visiting this board?  I know it's a free world and all that, but it can't be doing your health any good continuing coming on here.  You're going to have to move on with your life.  Stress is a killer you know.

No development is ever what is originally planned, they all get 'lambasted', and the vast majority are more than a little late.  I'm sure that if you've gone through life believing everything that you've been told, then you've been disappointed on more than one occasion in the past.

Which licence was incorrect at the start, and which licence would have been the correct one?  Does anyone know the answer to this?


The following was copied from , it seems to explain the situation.

Some 4+ years ago Huma sought from the local Town Hall, and was granted, all the relevant permissions, licences, etc., to build ACC.  They began marketing and building the properties.

Unfortunately, there was a change of Government.  The old Government (right wing conservatives) were caught lying over the Madrid bombings.  The new Government (left wing socialists) had a different take on how much authority local town halls had re. planning, etc., especially if the local Town Hall were from the opposing political party (which Cuevas were), and decided to flex their muscles.  The result was that the regional Authorities took Cuevas Town Hall to court, and got an injunction stopping all large building work in the area until the new PGOU (town plan) was approved by the Andaluscian Parliament (seated in Seville).

Cuevas Town Hall passed the revised (from 148000 new dwellings down to 12000) PGOU at the end of April 07, which should, once the remaining Sectional Reports are submitted, be approved presently (hoping for September).

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15 Sep 2007 10:10 AM by bj Star rating. 6 forum posts Send private message



Due to a change in my circumstances I am no longer in a position to wait this out and am looking to get my money back. Can anybody offer help or advice and can anyone give me a timescale on how long this will take as I am getting no help from Aldea or Huma on this. Parador have been the most helpful and have responded quickly to my e-mails but they can ony do so much. Any info would be gratefully appreciaed.



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15 Sep 2007 1:29 PM by Mikenmandy Star rating in Dewsbury, Yorkshire .... 232 forum posts Send private message

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Parador & helpful in the same sentence !!!!

We started trying to get our money back in February, don't hold your breathe.


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15 Sep 2007 7:44 PM by mickmemate Star rating. 115 forum posts Send private message

Sorry bj, but nobody can help

Huma aren't 'discussing' cancellations or refunds at the moment (but they have said, allegedly, that they will offer a 10% discount and free air con to those who stick it out).  You're stuck between a rock and a hard place.  You could always join those who are suing through Andersons - but I, personally, think that this route will take at least 3 years.


Sorry that I can't be of any help,   Mick

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